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Posts posted by DarknessIsBest

  1. Quote
    On 6/23/2019 at 2:16 PM, SerraWeckerly said:

    currently there are 4 themes in Elderglen, right? 


    I think i would love to see  

    1. a very darkly themed community, kinda Goth maybe haunted forest with housing  very vampy, werepeople, demony, drow, etc. 

    2. a very foresty elfy theme, with the entire village up in the trees as well as tiny shroom housing villages for the fae on the forest floor and i think it would be awesome if in the foresty areas there were "dens" or "caves" for our animal friends.

    3. an undersea area, for the merpeople among us...this could be just beautiful with all the coral and kelp and fish.


    This is just me having some fun imagining while trying to fall asleep...


    I think these would be awesome ideas especially for the roleplayers and those of us who want to be a fantasy or supernatural avi all the time.  Since the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is so popular right now a community based on something similar would be interesting.


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  2. I know how you feel.  I WAS up at that hour and had been for over four hours refreshing that page and never saw a houseboat or traditional home once.  It is frustrating to say the least.  So far, since after the first release I have only seen houseboats, some in nice places some not so much.  I have yet to be offered a traditional home if hadn't seen them myself I would think they were a myth.

    A houseboat would be great if I liked the ocean and I was a beach person but I'm not.  So I am willing to wait for my home be it in the mountains or the rolling hills with a view of the water in the distance or if it happens to be right next to it that's cool too.  I just hope I get it by October because I really had my heart set on decorating for the holidays.

    And yes, I have read every single thread in this forum some of them twice and sometimes it's refreshing when a new one is started.  After all that is why it is called a forum, right so we can all speak our thoughts?

    I would like to thank Patch Linden and his team and the Moles for all their hard work and creativity they have put into this project for us.  I'm sure it must be just as frustrating for them meeting supply and demand.  Patch is probably thinking what have I done and probably wishing for a magic wand right about now so he could satisfy everyone's housing need in one wave of his hand.

    I know my beautiful house will come to me in a beautiful location hopefully by October because it will be worth the wait.  See the power of positive thought.

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