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ampersand Magic

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Posts posted by ampersand Magic

  1. Why ask for help really?

    The thing is that you just get a bunch of generic answers like clear cache and so on but it is the viewer and all the troubleshooting that is the problem.

    I try and get friends to play SL and they all have top notch computers like myself but when they try to rez or log in they are over it because every other game that any gamer plays does not have these issues.

    when they put something out it works as it should with small glitches maybe but to not be able to log in or have to wait 15 min to rez is just crazy.

    I have been on SL since 2007 and if you ask me this new viewer "viewer2" is not ready.

    I tell everyone to use viewer 1 until they make it to where you dont have to spend all day troubleshooting and trying to learn how to make the viewer work.

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