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Posts posted by TeslaVortex

  1. What I want to do is a network of autonomous bot that travel between sims and constantly chat between themselves saying where they are , where they will be or what they are doing, also asking for help of others etc. when they are in separate sims they use email protocol or LONGRANGE_COMM to chat which is slow very slow if there is a couple of bots and LOCAL_COMM which is like one bot constantly check channel and also say hey I am UUID when other bot cross sim border and hear this and answer they override LONGRANGE_COMM and start to talk in local , there is also central structure that stores every bot UUID and relay commands when new bot is created it send to owner his UUID which is then manually inputted to that structure then it send UUID to others and then they know each other who is who and start to chat also there is control unit that send commands to central unit these can be of any sort MODULARITY like I can tell bot A go there or I can tell ALL bots go there and so on, the problem is I can't find proper way to send commands or make them chat in their own way ( bot A say to bot B in different sim come over here, he answer no I can't , bot A then say to bot C same as to bot B , bot C is not busy so he will come) as you can see I need to send a lot of info but I can't use array nor do I want to make HTTP and database to store all of this but if there is no other way I will try this option.P.S. in case if central structure is lost and etc. than all bots will send their UUID to owner they know when that structure is lost by checking each hour is that UUID is still answering




  2. Hi, I have a problem with my object script it uses comm between sim with email and if both obj are in same sim than local comm turn on and they listen through it the thing is in both cases i need to send a message containing multiple commands for that obj like [my_pos = <x,y,z> , other obj pos = <x,y,z> , my speed = v , my rotation or angle is <rotation>] all this info must be in one message lenght of list or message that contains info can be different if object detect more objects and places of commands can be different if list was  concatenated different way it can be like [my pos = <x,y,z> , avatar A is in = <x,y,z> , avatar B is in = <x,y,z>] or it can be [avatar B is in = <x,y,z>, my pos = <x,y,z> , avatar A is in = <x,y,z> , you need to do this] so I cant do indexing and also option like [ "my pos" , <vector> , "his pos" , <vector> ] will not work as lenght of strided list can vary and then function that will read all of this and sort can get nonsense, so what could be done about this? send strings in list and then check content of each string than separate function name from its value???

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