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Addison Adzior

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Everything posted by Addison Adzior

  1. /me huffs I return again...unsuccesful. Since 5pm on 7.27.11 SL began showing a crash message whenever I try to play. i DID follow insructions and advice I was given before, and it worked--until I evuly shut off SL, got up from my seat, and went to the bathroom. IT. WON'T. WORK. AGAIN. D: Also when it did-breifly-work, My inventory, appearence, me tab, and all the like were M.I.A. gah. Shoot me now. Thanks patch 2..8. /me scowls
  2. The crash message basically says "sending crash report". ....
  3. I'm not sure if it's my laptop, SL Viewer, or whatever, but the game hasn't been working since 5pm (EST) 7/27/11. An error message shows everytime I try about a crash. I've tried: shutting SL down, shutting my laptop off, unistalling/reinstalling SL and it was all in vain. Before using patch 2.8 this never happend. Is this the issue? If not, what do I need to do? I am begging; HELP ME! The crash message basically says "sending crash report".
  4. I'm not sure if it's my laptop, SL Viewer, or whatever, but the game hasn't been working since 5pm (EST). An error message shows everytime I try about a crash. I've tried: shutting SL down, shutting my laptop off, unistalling/reinstalling SL and it was all in vain. Before using patch 2.8 this never happend. Is this the issue? If not, what do I need to do?
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