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  1. What Randall described happened to me too at Orientation Island a few days ago. We were all just standing around when suddenly i started to be pushed and then we were all lifted up in the air and thrown in the water. It was a lot of us too lol..never saw this before but it was so stupid i had to laugh
  2. I have a 5 yr old Dell dimension and ive been looking at new computers. Right now ive picked out the Dell XPS 8300 which comes with 2nd gen intel Core i7 2600 Processor Windows 7 8GB DDR3 Memory. 1 TB hard drive 1GB ATI Radeon HD 6450 DDR3 Is this a good machine to run sl?, i also do digital art so a good graphics card is a must. thank you
  3. Hi, ive read through this thread and i only wish i could understand half of what was said. I'm not very computer literate and have a hard time comparing one or the other, in my eyes newer means better which i understand isnt the case with computers. Right now i have a desktop, its an old dell dimension 3100 it still works fine but im thinking its time for a replacement, especially since everytime i log into sl it tells me i don't meet the minimum system requirements. Surpisingly sl runs pretty smoothly for me as long as im not in a very crowded area but then again i do have my graphics setting on low so i know im not experiencing the true visuals sl offers. Anyway i've been looking at laptops, i have enough for a Macbook Pro which is what i've been eyeing but im not sure thats the best choice. As far as desktops i've been looking at another dell but thats only cause its what im used to and im not sure if thats the best either. So if anyone could make some recommendations, u may have to dumb it down for me a bit lol, i'd really appreciate it edit: sorry i should add i'm not willing to spend over $2000
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