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Posts posted by BellaCalabria

  1. I am a Newbie. Things were going fine for a couple weeks. But now when I click on the Second Life Viewer2 icon on my desktop this happens:

    Detecting hardware.

    Initializing Texture Cache

    Initializing VFS

    Then a new window pops up called Second Life Crash Logger which says

    Gathering hardware information

    Sending to server try 1

    Then the Second Life icon flashes briefly on my task bar and disappears. Thats it.

    I have not been banned. I checked for tickets there were none.


     Editing in additional information as Second Life will not allow me to post an answer to my own question. I have completed the instructions suggested in the answer below. I have no difficulty deleting the files in both the Second Life and Local/Second Life folders. However, this only allows me to log in once. The next time I try to log in the problem presents itself again. I have to delete the files before each and every time I login. Furthermore, this logs me into BASIC mode and I am stuck there. For that reason I do not see this as a solution to the problem.


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