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Animata Rhapsody

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Posts posted by Animata Rhapsody

  1. LL should do something agains the scammers, thay have to bcause thay run the service named "Markedplace" even when they sau "bewarefu**" or something like that thay have to do something for the ppl that got scammed and something against that one that was the scamme like ban and marketplace listings closed.  even when its only 1700 L$ thay have to do something bcause thay get some of that 1700 for themself so thay have a bit of my money x3 maybe i should go to an  lawyer and try to make them pay after the support was an totally and extreme fail that should be fired.

  2. so, i got answere by Linden support and now i can tell that im merly disappointed about it. i got scammed " yeah more carefully blabla" and thay cant do something or more it seems that thay dont want to do something. i hang in there now and try to speak with the support about it even when thay sayd that thay cannot do something. the guy from i buyd that item isnt online and seems to be never online anymore so it seems my lindens are "poofed" and linden doing nothing about it. Nice "fail" support

  3. hoi, i buyd that item "https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RUNAWAY-HUD-ACYBOX-COPY/4840078?lang=en-US&page=1" in marketplace, after i packed it out and wear it i saw that is totally not that whats sayd in the details of the side tho most functions written in the details arent there. i tried to reach the seller and got no answere after that i looked on the reviews and the avatars that maked them i saw thay look extremely like fakes. pro is already flagged and so on but i want my 1700L back from that guy what can i do?

    kindly regards, Animata Rhapsody

    "ps: my english isnt the best im german and was a little in rage bcause seems like scammed"

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