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Posts posted by RadicallyDreaming

  1. I just tried Second Life for the first time. I tried editing my appearance. The program would not let me put a right shoe back on. I selected "designer shoe" and clicked "wear" and nothing happened. How did this program ever become popular? And how come it hasn't been beaten by a competitor with a user friendly version of the same thing?


     Jessika Rang wrote:

    many people drop out in the initial stages. 

    OH GEE I WONDER WHY. See, you guys can make snide remarks all you want. I know this isn't actually supposed to be a game, but have you ever played an MMO? Or any virtual existence type thing that allows you to customize the garments of an avatar? They have this system where you select the clothing in question, you match it up with the corresponding body part...and then your are wearing that item. It's genius, and it has always been done better than in Second Life, where you navigate a bunch of menus, click on "wear shoe" and nothing happens. People drop out in the initial stages because the interface is horribly designed, or at least that's one of the reasons.

    Just get someone from the development staff to download any free-to-play MMO, copy the interface, and Second Life will instantly be a better, more accessible product. When that happens, maybe I'll stick around. For now, I'll forgo having an ugly, poorly designed virtual existence and "carry on" with my first one.

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