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Keesie Pelous

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Everything posted by Keesie Pelous

  1. the point here is LL has a rule stating they will not tolerate harassment. They have a means of reporting harassment. so if they aren't actually going to do anything, why do either of those things? people spend a lot of real world money on SL and if LL isn't actually going to enforce their own rules, they at least owe the people on SL a straight answer instead of pretending they won't tolerate something. its funny, i have a friend on SL who made clothes and he made a shirt with RW design of a popular rock band on it and his account was banned immediately. but it seems people report threats of violence and LL sits around with their thumbs up their butts. the moral of the story here seems to be that unless LL could be sued for allowing something, they just don't care and thats a shame. it explains why there are so many complaints about douchebags on SL.
  2. if the question is "why doesnt LL enforce their rule of not tolerating harassment", how exactly do you think "call the police" addresses the question? oh! it doesn't. what your suggesting is literally the same as if someone said they needed a hair cut and you told them cutting their toe nails would accomplish the same thing. and if you can't imagine there are people on SL who do nothing but go around trying to cause problems, i'd have to figure you were new to SL. my SL partner was hosting in a club and I was there with her. some dude ive never had an interaction with before IMed me and started running his mouth. He didn't like my response so he IMed my partner and started running his mouth to her. the same dude went back to the club several hours later and ran his mouth to another hostess and a club manager. he ended up getting banned from the club and all 4 of us sent an abuse report to LL. 3 days later the dude is back in all of our IMs. now you're certainly free to imagine anything you want but just keep in mind, what you imagine isnt necessarily reality
  3. and thats the problem. you shouldnt have to expect to be griefed and you shouldnt have to expect them to do nothing. im all for them staying out of "disputes" but they have a responsibility to enforce their "we won't tolerate harassment" stand.
  4. and for the record, i doubt the twit involved has the means to carry out any threats. but thats not the point. the point is LL states they will not tolerate that behavior, so the question is why do they continually tolerate it? it seems they actually only follow TOS against copywrite infringement where they might get sued for non action and beyond that they don't care.
  5. "call the police"...that doesn't actually address my question, does it? why state "we will not tolerate harassment" if they actually DO tolerate harassment? "There's no need for LL to get involved in disputes that you can solve yourself by using the block user function"...i'm certain that threats of violence go beyond a "dispute". and i fail to see how expecting residents to block people is a better option than expecting LL to follow their own TOS.
  6. i've been around SL long enough to know that despite saying "Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated", LL doesn't actually do anything about it, which is a big reason theres an overabundance of twits on SL. but i assumed that threats of real world violence against other residents was something where they might actually take their thumbs out of their butts and do something. which is why when a guy sent my SL partner a message 3 days ago threatening her with real world violence, i encouraged her to file an abuse report. and of course, LL did absolutely nothing and the twit was back in her IMs today. so my question is, well actually two of them: 1) why bother having a statement about not tolerating harrassment if you don't actually do anything about it? and 2) what exactly will it take for the people running LL's to take issues seriously?
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