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Posts posted by RennieLittle

  1. I have my paypal info updated on my alt account,  When I log into my Alt  I can only see Mature or PG sims, When I go to my prefrences I can switch it to Mature, General and Adult,  but after doing that I still don't see the adult sims that I can see on this account.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled my viewer and it's still not working.

    Did SL make it so only preuim accounts can get to adult sims, or what?


    Edit: It seems what I am trying to say was not understood all that clearly.

    My Alt account has payment info.  It has the option to go to adult sims. I switch to that option and I do not see any adult sims listed when I search for them.  I even tried searching for ones that I already know will let me in without age verification. Why can't I get into ANY Adult Sims at all?


    Edit2:  Yes, I have Adult checked off,  I've cleared my cache, I've uninstalled and reinstalled and still nothing has worked. 

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