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Everything posted by gothmobster

  1. I was in a sand box to night and there was 3 kids I thing they was and way one of them put some thing on me to stop me from moving and they did shoot at me , but I go there to try and biuld stuff that is to big for my liitle place of 512m and soon as i get there they hit all this stuff on me and I am not the only one they are doing this to. I got the names from a combat hud I have on my avatar and it show the name of the person thet shoot or hit and even bumps me and they are (( Zshadow64, Tony Hilfiger and xXExtacyXx dont wont people banned I just like to do dtuff in the sand box and not keep getting bugged all the time so place help if you can thanks you for your time GothMobster
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