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Damienn Kiranov

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Posts posted by Damienn Kiranov

  1. Fortunately, due to a combination of LL incompetence, griefer cleverness, and average player whininess, griefers are here to stay. What makes any of you think that you can be rid of such in important part of an online experience? It is good that you all are griefed and trolled, it serves the greater cause of internet eugenics. Maybe, some hopeful day, all you whiners will kill yourselves, and the world can be a bit nicer of a place.

    Keep in mind, the more you try to go after griefers, the more beligerant they become, as your raw butthurt is music to them. On top of that, rolling alts in SL is of very little effort, so for every griefer you ban, you'll just have 15 sock puppets ready to continue the griefing and trolling. The only way to stop it all, is for them to simply get bored and move on.


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