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Adriano Appletor

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Posts posted by Adriano Appletor

  1. hello today i'd took some snapshot , but pffff ... adrian shape_1_001.jpg


    this is one of them ,take a look at feets... is a standard skin ,but i think the snapshot is awful . 

    is made at default resolution 1366 x 768 , high details,with an acer aspire intel core i5 580 m ,integrated graphic card , hd 3000 , i know that is not the best graphic card and for sl is required a better one , but is still 1720 mb ,128 bit , shader 4.0

     Should i take it lower or higher resolution ? with ultra details almost i can't move ,so i can't go higher than high :))  ,

    OR , if i do snapshots just like this one in a white box , wich setings shoul i increase ,i mean i can let graphic setings at low ,and increase just what i need ,like avatar  to high , because if the snapshot is in a white box i will not need terrain details or sky 

     excuse my english :)

  2. i need an auction script ,many thanks if anyone could help me,a script who may chek biders l$ amount ,and dont allow them to bid more L$ than they have,iin this way they cant broke up the auction ,or maiby the biders pay an amount ,and when a biger bid is made ,the previous one get his money back ,autoreturn,posibility to set a time for the auction..countdown ,lets say 2 houres and after that auto close the auction and aut delevery the item to the biger bid ,,to the owner , is a bit complex .... :D 

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