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Everything posted by Synitry

  1. Maybe someone can help me here to understand this. Twice today now i have come across this message when trying to buy something. The merchant has made this item unavailable for purchase. same thing When trying to purchase something from stores i have frequented over the years. From what i have come to learn is this means the merchant has banned me from purchasing from thier store. Friends cannot also give me said item either. I dont understand why this is. I have had no contact or dealings with these stores aside purchasing their items. Does this happen from time to time? people getting misflagged by SL itself or that i somehow have a similar name to some hacker or griefer? Looking for any help or understanding anyone has given me. Also yes i have reached out to these store owners and am awaiting word back.
  2. I'm looking for a person cabale of meshing a few guns for me. I have models made inworld that you will be able to reference. I'm looking for someone willing to charge a reasonable price for these items and not some price gouger. I would prefer the maker to also be able to texture it as well but it is not required as long as the maker can supply a uv map to allow us to do our own textures. Conditions i will require: The item or items will be given to me full permThe item will not be allowed to be given out or resold by anyone but myselfAll uv maps and textures will be supplied as well full perm There may be more work after these initial builds as i am having this work done for a group and we always will be needing more. Please contact me inworld: Synitry Resident
  3. Well frankly im not looking for people like you. Actually in the area of SL that i frequent my demands are not anything but the norm. I am seeking stuff to be made for a exclusive group and ive already had people make me items with those exact stipulations for less than 1/10th the price you just quoted me. I hate people like you who think thier so awesome and people need to treat them like a god. Go elsewhere as im not here to give you more content to sell. If something as simple as what im asking for would take you as long as you say then well sweety your not as good as you think you are i know people who could do what i want and more in less than a few hours. They have before but sadly are just to busy and are unable to continue working for me. Seriously you need to stop just running around to troll forum posts. If you even are a content creator you are an amaetur otherwise you wouldnt be on second life youd be putting your skills to use for a real company and making real money. Stop attempting to use second life to create a "career" for yourself as it just doesnt happen except for lucky few and your certainly not gonna make it off commissions and small jobs. I think you seriously need a reality check and bad.
  4. I'm looking for a person cabale of meshing a few guns for me. I have models made inworld that you will be able to reference. I'm looking for someone willing to charge a reasonable price for these items and not some price gouger. I would prefer the maker to also be able to texture it as well but it is not required as long as the maker can supply a uv map to allow us to do our own textures. Conditions i will require: The item or items will be given to me full permThe item will not be allowed to be given out or resold by anyone but myselfAll uv maps and textures will be supplied as well full perm There may be more work after these initial builds as i am having this work done for a group and we always will be needing more. Please contact me inworld: Synitry Resident
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