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Posts posted by KeelofFate

  1. My porblem earlier with being unable to connect to a simulator has yet to be rememdied. However, I do appreciate the advisor who attempted to give me help. I got a few answers as to why this problem occured.


    But now I pose this. Is it at all possible to simply move some thigns from my main to my alt? I've already deferred to my default outfit, the one you chose to start out with after initial sign up. I just want to be an armadillo again.... ((For a specific Sim, anyway))


    Edit: Just tried metabolt. Same situation. So, I guess this means No, I cannot move anything unless a Linden does it....

  2. Seriously though. I was able to connect just fine yesterday. I haven't done much, and I've already tried another viewer to see if that was the problem. Nothing worked.


    I've check my status, And I haven't had any trouble, so I know it wasn't me being stupid at some point without realizing it. What's going on?



    Edit: I don't have an Alt, I'm afraid. Nor would I know how to make one. It's safe to say I've been playing SL for a grand total of 4 days. Even though my account is a few months old.


    But I understand the problem... BUt I am also unable to log into any other region.



    Edit 2:

     Okay, I did find somehting that helped alittle, but it doesn't resolve my inability to log in. When i try a different region, I get this.

    Login failed

    Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong

     I'm calling the offices, but no one seems to be there. Let's hope the Email has better fruit. Otherwise I may have to make an alt.... Is there any way to join the alt with my main or soemhting to that effect? Like.. sharing money or somehting?


    Edit 3:

    I feel like an idiot, making these edits and all, but I don't know what else to do. Okay, so I've cleared every bit og the cache, restarted my computer and checked my preferences, attempting to log into a different region. My main region still has the Unable to log into simulation thing, and oddly enouh, I'm getting the  something unexpected has gone wrong message again. I've already messed with the router multiple times by the way. I will admit, though. My wireless card is on it's last legs.

    I have indeed made an alt, just now. Logged in perfectly and everything. So it's not my internet. It infuriates me to not understand the nature of the problem.


    Oh, it also seems My main is able to log into Beta, but my new Alt isn't...


    Edit 4: I would, but nothign but my clothing inventory transferred into beta. No cash, No groups. Just my inventory.

    I do apologize for being such a pain. I wish I could be done with this, as I just recently gave my main some money.


    Edit 5:

    So after many years of forgetting this account existed, I got an email from it, saying someone commented on this question. After checking thigns, I somehow remember the password to this account. SO I go and try it in SL to see if anything has changed. Not a damn thing. I can get in only to the BETA servers. Not the regular. And mind you all, this is on a completely new computer and everything. NO records of this account exist on this computer.


    So I see the issue has never been resolved. A shame.

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