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Zenden Gothly

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Posts posted by Zenden Gothly

  1. when i open my viewer my video card fails and i have to restart computer, cant log into the game at all. computer runs fine as long as viewer isint opened, could this be a hacker from sl ? any one ever hear of such a thing ?? i was on and went afk, when i came back i noticed i was froze, i believe someone used a crasher and it knocked me off sl, when i reopened and started login, screen froze, some greenish colors came up and freezes computer. tried 3 different viewer downloads all viewers do it, i recieved a message from an avi that said he had my uuid and was gonna mess with my game, but im sure we all of had that before. Can it be done ? i have no viruses, malicious wear, just cant use any viewer to log on. Heres some more info, my grapuhics card is an nvdia 9800gt . but the thing is when i go to open the viewer in orfer to log on it turns and odd green and freezes, i cant even get to the enter your name and password part. i downloaded the old secondlife viewer same thing, firestorm and singularity same thing, so i cannot even get to type my name in and comp screen freezes, i deleted the voewers, comp works fine, every program is fine, no comp freeze, its solely sl viewers causing this, comp has no viruses malware etc. thanks

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