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Everything posted by j3nnd4wnxo

  1. Dawn Photography official grand opening! June 6th 2011 I have over 100 backgrounds, and loads of couple/ single poses. I can also do a shoot at your favorite beach, house.. etc. Prices are: 100L for 2 profile pics.200L for 2 pics with words/ special effects ect200L for 2 couple pics (includes names, dates, etc)300L for 2 group photosWhen you are in your pose, I will take multiple pictures, then from there, I will pick the 2 best ones. Here are some samples of my work http://jenn-dawnphotography.blogspot.com/ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me inworld.. (j3nnd4wnxo) 
  2. Dawn Photography official grand opening! June 6th 2011 I have over 100 backgrounds, and loads of couple/ single poses. I can also do a shoot at your favorite beach, house.. etc. Prices are: 100L for 2 profile pics.200L for 2 pics with words/ special effects ect200L for 2 couple pics (includes names, dates, etc)300L for 2 group photosWhen you are in your pose, I will take multiple pictures, then from there, I will pick the 2 best ones. Here are some samples of my work http://jenn-dawnphotography.blogspot.com/ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me inworld.. (j3nnd4wnxo)
  3. Thanks for the help guys! hey guys I have gotten a little studio set up, and would love to take your picture!!! here are some I did last night http://jenn-dawnphotography.blogspot.com/ I'm doing pictures for super super cheap, so let me know inworld/ or here if you would like to come in and see what I have! <3 JENN
  4. hey guys! Im interested in photography, and would like to try out some poses and the little set I built. If anyone would like to be my subjects, message me inworld j3nnd4wnxo :] Thanks guys!
  5. I need to buy lindens to be able to sell lindens?
  6. Im 10 days old, and I just wanted to try it out, to make sure it worked.....
  7. I have never ever sold lindens before.. when I try to sell them, this is what shows up This transaction would exceed your daily trading limit by US$2.60. Your daily trading limit is US$0.00Transaction limit exceededThe system encountered an error while processing your order, please try again.Can someone help me out please? thank you!
  8. Hello, I'm Jenn :) I am currently working as host/ dancer for a club, but that is only one day a week. I love to be on the dance floor keeping the party going, and would love to have a second job that I could work at at least 3 days a week. I can also do serious things, such as helping with advertising.. things like that. I am a hard worker, and a fast learner. I can work from 8 pm PDT/ which I believe is also SL time. To 6am PDT. Please IM me if you would like to know more :) Thanks So much! ♥
  9. Hi, are there any freelance jobs out there? Thanks.
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