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Posts posted by Hartoled

  1. My tendency is to flag the Rares placed for sale on MP, by an individual, when they are spamming keywords.  That's because it will take the biggest bite out of their efforts, if the item is taken down.   There are just too many commons to bother, without seeming like a troublemaker to LL.  If the gacha is of my desired interest, of course I would care to see them.

    There's another huge consideration.  If you've ever played gachas, trying to get that rare item, or even an elusive common to complete a set, you know it sure does feel like gambling.   Allowing people to sell their rares on MP is indistinguishable from Skin Gambling.  If they sold every item at the price of a pull, it would be a lot less egregious, but allowing them to monetize the chance aspect is recognized around the world as unregulated gambling.

    Exposing minors to the activity, whether from ads, access to the gachas, or even the availability of the prizes is standing on very shaky ground.   A partial remedy might be to classify every aspect of gachas as Adults Only.

  2. The term "Dancer" has become common for a type of prim, that contains a Song and an animation, that you wear and is triggered by a word typed in local.   They are nice, as opposed to an animation or gesture, in that multiple people can wear them, all starting at the same time, to do a nice little performance piece.


    I ended up on this page because I was trying to find a way to trigger a gesture for myself and a friend simultaneously, and considered creating a "dancer' to solve the problem.   Alternatively, I considered creating a couples animation for her Open Collar, but I'm not sure sound could be incorporated.


    Pardon me for dragging up this old topic, that may be answered elsewhere.

  3. Having just endured trying to use Second Life on an older computer, and seeing the difficulties logging in and staying on with even the newest viewers, I have to conclude that the entire conglomeration is a bloated joke.  Almost totally disabling all the enhanced graphics and features was no help at all.  At this point I would fear suggesting that any friend or family ever try to join SL and each of the viewers and perhaps the site should probably be flagged as potentially harmful software.  They have sacrificed general serviceability for useless toys to amuse themselves too many times in the last two years and the chickens are coming home to roost. During my hiatus I used one of the virtual worlds associated with a 10 year old gaming console and the mesh, scenery, performance were all vastly superior to what Second Life does on a PC five times more powerful.   This is a matter of bad design and poor management.  Five people in SL can bog things down to an aggravating ordeal while these other platforms function at high levels with crowds that would crash an SL sim in seconds.


    At this point, some person with a high grade gaming PC or the latest graphics card will interject that he has no problems and will make some insensitive remark about how people need to buy new machines.  That is not going to get new users from the legions of happy people who own machines that are perfectly serviceable under normal circumstances.  The entire community needs to reconsider some of the choices they have made, perhaps delay the implementation of more problem sources until they fix the core functions and even rewind to a more tolerable level of play.  Morality enters the picture as well.   People may not even notice the damage these processes are doing to their machines until it is too late.  Second Life has become an attractive nuisance.


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