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Posts posted by Whitestripe

  1. The email I used didn't received any info from the admins about the ban. But I am not so sure now, I think it was a year ago they banned me, anyways I cant acess to that email because an asian guy in Beijing attempted to hack that email and I had to cancel it. If they put me on hold like you said, then they'll problably reactivate my account when i'm dead. Im running outta options, ima pain in the ass, I Dunnooooo. It would be so much better this way, 'Hey LL give my account back, my IP is blablabala, kthxbye.' DONE

  2. I want my account back, i was banned for no godamm reason. LL if you decide to kick my ass at least send me an email saying it so, and why. I have been banned for a long time, I already have sent more than 10 requests tickets or something and I am not gonna tolerate this bullcrap. Just to clear you guys out let me explain something...I will not send a fax to San Francisco or whatever, I wont call the support line, I will not create another account and I will not send another Goddamm ticket saying how much I like blowing smoke up their asses. I was a civilized player and I demand an explanation, I have every right to play this game just like everyone else. So if you wanna help me, go ahead...im listening. Oh by the way, this is gonna -.- you guys off, I already tried that Hotspot thing that hides your IP adress. It didnt worked...


    Here I am listening to WhiteStripe's 'Jolene' and you are reading this probably thinking 'another stupid user that is never getting his account back'. Oh well, At least I tried...100 times...


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