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Posts posted by jaysprout

  1. I've been trying to find information on this topic as well. I never received any answers - which, I suppose, is better than the rude answers this person received.

    I'm sure I'll get mocked like they did, but I'll ask anyway - are there any education islands or sims that rent space for educators who can't afford their own entire island or sim?

  2. Is it possible to run - at least certain - things locally without being online? For example,

    • building objects without having to be online
    • taking snapshots
    • recording machinima

    Is it possible to download things like avatars, shapes, skins, objects, etc. - everything in one's inventory to use and see in a viewer locally ... it would certainly help with lag and stuff for building, creating and recording.

  3. There are avatars, etc. sold in the marketplace that - to me - seem obviously intended for sexual age play. Some are downright stomach-turning ... where could I send links for these products so someone can evaluate them and delete them if found inappropriate?

  4. I'm glad I read that second reply before trying what I thought the Mac equivalent might be.

    On a Mac, is Command-Opt-F1 the keyboard shortcut for disabling the labels?

    Also, is there a checkbox or other toggle somewhere to permanently or, at least, indefinitely disable them?

  5. I knew textures based on fashion templates for apparel must be 1024x1024 but figured out the hard way that textures for art and such also needed to be. Most of my stuff is easily fixable now that I've figured that out but ...

    What about books and magazines? How do I create a texture for pages that aren't square?

    I also - and this isn't as important - just bought an awesome display thingy that displays textures in a landscape format ... even if they were portrait, they'd still be not square.

    thanks in advance for solving this noobie mystery.

    - jaysprout / Robert Walton MacGregor

  6. If I take a snapshot in SL using Viewer 2, no open panels or labels (such as prices, peoples' names, and other tips) don't get captured. However, when using an external capture utility such as SnapzProX on my Mac or SnagIt & Camtasia on my PC, I get all that crap. Closing panels is easy enough but I can't get rid of all those labels & tips. It's bad enough in regular SL and totally debilitating when trying to record.

    Somebody please tell me how to turn all of that crap off. In any and all viewers would be great.

    Thanks in advance!

    jaysprout / Robert Walton MacGregor

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