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Everything posted by ColonelKernel

  1. BTW, it's nagging me to upgrade, but hasn't yet forced me to.
  2. For me, I'm a pack rat and save most of my downloaded install files. I still have 2.5.2, too. If a Linden can chime in and grant permission, I'll gladly share it with you, but I doubt they would do that. EDIT: They don't need to grant special permision. Here it is: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/2.6.1
  3. I was majorly Ruthed over the past couple days and the only thing that permanently fixed it was reinstalling the 2.6.1 viewer. I did everything I could think of and was told to do, but I'm new, sort of, so I don't consider my efforts exhaustive. That is why I added the "I think" to the subject line. [NOTE: This next part kind of rambles and may lead to a few TL;DRs. Sorry about this.] I tested both my main avatar and my alt in 2.6.3 and I could reliably reproduce the effect for both. I have Phoenix installed and didn't have the problem in there at all. In addition, if I tried to change my shape, it would appear as though my shape had changed to me, but everyone else still saw me as a Ruth in men's clothes. Even if I changed to to specially created avatar shapes, called Lefty and Righty, with all the sliders thrown all the way to the left or the right (two ugly SOBs, actually), to make the effect obvious. Very strangely, when I changed to the short Lefty shape, my avatar, as Ruth, would sink more than a couple inches into the ground and then float when wearing the tall Righty shape. Then, when I relogged, I would appear as the avatar shape that I was wearing when I logged off. Except if it was my main avatar, then I appeared as Ruth. Ruth resisted Changing outfits or body parts, rebaking and clearing the cache. Ruth even resisted reverting to the Male Character Test. The n00b outfit and hair would replace what I was wearing, but all on Ruth's body. The only thing that helped at all was a "Deruthing Rocket," but only temporarily. When I relogged, Ruth was back. So finally, I tried reinstalling 2.6.1 as this started after I was playing with the avatar physics with my alt (a female) and all is well. Additionally, I am again able to click and view attachments in group notices. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Is there any other tactics I could have tried? For the record, as I mentioned above, I have Phoenix installed, but I prefer the layout of Viewer2. If my experience is the norm, however, then maybe I will consider something else.
  4. In my limited experience almost anything will "run" SL. My back up computer is a dinky little netbook that loads SL and gets me in to do some basic chat, inventory management. As for how well it performs, I get "enough" frames per second to get around, but I don't do it often.
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