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Lollee Sweetwater

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Posts posted by Lollee Sweetwater

  1. amaretto horse owners are sending gifts each day from 14th till 25th december if you buy a relay for life fire place . now ive done everything right  but this is now day 3 and still no gift . amaretto says i should get a pop up but i dont...and even so the item should still go to my inventory. but it doesnt. amaretto will bnot take responsability as they say their server says the gifts wer sent  so its a problem for linden labs to fix .. how can i fix this when LL help form doesnt even have a section for me to put this under!  thanks from lollee sweetwater

  2. Some times pieces of clothing can be corrupt and actually stick to your skin , not saying this is the actual problem ... but if you bought your skin that has others in it then try to change your skin.. see if the shirt disapers .. if it does then delete the skin that has the shirt... i hope this helps

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