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Posts posted by abeautifulday365

  1. You know, I did make a mistake. I thought that buying privately-held land involved a one-time fee. I didn't understand that buying actually means renting. Even though the price is low, I'm not sure I'm invested enough in SL yet to make that move. Thank you all for clearing up some confusion!



  2. Everyone's given me lots of great info. Thank you! Your responses brought up a couple more questions:


    If the land I'm buying is from a private owner, do I still pay monthly in the tier system? Both parcels are not on the mainland.


    Can a skybox be placed on the ground? I'm a little unclear on the difference between a skybox and a normal dwelling.

  3. Hi All. I'm a first time buyer looking at some private land and trying to decide between two parcels. One is 468 prims and the other is 936 prims. My question is: how many prims does a person really need? I'll be looking for  a very modest, low-prim dwelling , but will be wanting to decorate with lots of plants and trees. One parcel has several trees left by the previous owner, and I'm also wondering if those can be reclaimed by him/her at a later time (hoping to keep them).

  4. It's impossible to find out where to buy. There is absolutely nothing I have tried that works. I've bought other demo items before, but this one isn't working out. It's a shame, because the hair is perfect.

  5. HI! I visited an inworld store to buy some hair. All the hair was being sold as a demo, and I tried them on until I found one I liked. The problem is I don't know how to buy it! I'm walking around with the sign above my head trying to figure out how to give someone money for this hair. The store doesn't appear in "Marketplace", as far as I can tell. Can someone tell me how is this done? Thanks!:smileyhappy:

  6. Hi All. I'm having some trouble finding dances my avatar can use at hippy-type concerts and gatherings. When I shop, it looks as though most dances are for clubs and being sexy. I just want some twirls, flowy arm motions, and such (not belly dancing, though). Any suggestions?

  7. Thanks for the tips! And thank you to the person who sent me some skins. I somehow deleted your message, and I feel terrible that I didn't know how to write to say thanks.

    I tried some new skins, and then encountered the problem that you were just talking about- her hiney hangs over top of her skirt! I stuck some leggings on her, and that seemed to do the trick!

  8. Hi all. I'm new here. I've been clothes shopping for my avatar, and would like for her to wear an outfit that shows her waist. I haven't been able to figure out how to get rid of her undershirt. I can't select it under "take off clothing", and it's right there under everything she wears. Suggestions?

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