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Prototype Alpha

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Posts posted by Prototype Alpha

  1. i needa know if there is a way for a script to read a text file or something off of an external server outside of sl. i have an automated product update system i made using llEmail, but right now it only works if the product update server prim never leaves world (because the product is set to the original server prim's key, and if i had to rez a new one it would have a different key, and so the entire system would no longer work), but if i can get a script to read text off an external server, i can just have the products read the current server prim's key from the external server (cus i own serverspace and a domain name) thus i could then delete and re-rez the server prim at any time i wish and only have to enter its key into the external server

  2. I'm scripting an attachment hoverboard using llSetVelocity, and for some reason whenever I collide with a wall while facing it, it will lock my avatar from rotating, so while holding forward (for example) and turning left or right, my avatar will still keep moving into the wall in the direction it was facing when i first collided with it, rather than the new direction i am facing after rotating. So it basically turns all walls into a sticky deathtrap with infinite friction that you have to stop and back up off of in order to rotate and move in a new direction. As you could imagine, this is a horrendously awful issue i need to overcome if I want this hoverboard to work in a satisfactory manner (i hope it will surpass my last 2 hoverboards, which are practically the two top selling hoverboards on Marketplace). Worst-case scenario, I could try to use llApplyImpulse or llSetForce instead, but it would not work nearly as beautifully if I did. llSetVelocity allows for incredibly fluid control over avatar physics, allowing me to (in this case) apply a velocity falloff when starting/stopping movement so you don't just start/stop at full velocity instantaneously. Also, it rather-effectively negates ground and slope friction that would normally slow down avatar movement when using llApplyImpulse or llSetForce.

  3. Last friday I transferred roughly 260 USD from my sl account to my paypal. It was my first time transferring money to my paypal from my sl account. It's been a week now, and the money still hasn't shown up in my paypal account and the transaction doesn't show up on my sl account transaction history. It's scary when 260 USD just suddenly vanishes without a trace into cyberspace...

  4. Why do rendered sculpts lag me so much? i have an i7 processor and a 555m Nvidia GEFORCE 1gb gddr5!! my network connection is rediculously awsome. ive been trying to figure out why i lag so much when an avatar is on my screen, and why they lag me so significantly more if their ARC is high. i didnt have this problem on my old pc, but my new one is an i7, and has an insane graphics card, and ive done a bunch of tests and i cant seem to find why this could possibly be happening. however, i did notice that if i go into the graphics tab in preferences and lower the" mesh detail: Objects" to low(it was on high) it fixes my problem... but my sculpts get really **bleep**ty. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! D:

  5. I agree with you, I think that this is freaking idiotic. General is like, baby crap. Moderate should be open to people who verify themselves to be of the age of 16 or 17 via their drivers license or their birth certificate. My friends are almost always in moderate Sims. Not to mention the fact that I could list right now at least 50 people that are under the age of 18 but have accounts that say they are so they can visit moderate Sims. Cheating the system is more than easy, it's just that my current account has just so many things that I use as a builder/scripter/sculpter/animator/texturemaker/soundmaker, that it would take a freaking year for me to transfer everything, from my builds, scripts, textures, sounds and animations, along with everything else. Linden Labs really is blind to the whole situation.

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