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Vha2the Voom

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Posts posted by Vha2the Voom

  1. Hello out there in SL WORLD, 

    Is anyone else having trouble using the CASPERVEND. I click on it to find all that I recently purchased, but it takes me to a webpage that is empty. Says I have 0 to be seen. I know for sure that is incorrect, because I buy nearly everyday.

    Anyone else having issues like I am?

  2. Since I've upgraded to the latest Phoenix viewer (.1102) I've encountered a few bugs that I guess was thought to be fixed. 

    1) I can't change my environment whenever I want.  After several attempts of going through the stages of changing it, nothing happens.

    2) I can't detach, drop, or delete items that are being worn.  I always have to log off then back on to remove it.

    3) My clothes do not rez for others when they see me.  I see myself fully dressed, but the do not.  Some say it's lag, but it isn't, because lag doesn't take as long as I waited for it to rez, which was never till I logged off and back on.


    Does anyone have a solution to the fixes?

  3. I can't change my environment.  When I go to the environment setting, nothing happens.  Then in Pref-Graphics, I try to customize it, and still nothing happens.  This has only started today.  Help

  4. I doubt you will find anyone on here that would "recommend" one even if we could.


    LOL, I thought the same thing. But, it takes me back to why are these things being sold in SL, in the first place.

  5. I agree with everyone's comments and take no offense to them at all. The reason for asking is not for my benefit, but to find out what steps to take if I am the victim. Thanks for all your answers!

  6. THESE MAY BE TOS VIOLATION QUESTION, but for each question, there are tool sold in SL that allows these actions against the TOS.  So, if SL allows these tools sold, then it must be allowed.

    !. How to find out if a person has multiple avatars and the names, other than asking them?

    2. How do you find anyone anywhere (even out of range) without having their permission?  I know there are av finder gadgets, but what is the most effective one?


  7. I like my group, but some of them I don't want to recieve group chats and message popups.  So, with the INFO options, I unchecked the boxes to stop these actions from happening from those particular group, but annoyingly I am still getting  them.  It's as though those options means nothing.  Why are the options there if they don't work!!! I found he only thing that works is if i LEAVE the group to stop those chats and messages.  Such an extreme measure for a fix which I did not want to result to.  Is there any other option?

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