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Posts posted by UmaMisteriosa

  1. Charlotte...Thank you so much for your reply. I just saw another one like this so I apologize for asking a redundant question. I purchased these items this morning (5 hours ago) and they still haven't arrived. I did check my transaction list and it stated that all of them except for two were delivered. I read on another post about clearing your cache ( I feel like an idiot for asking this...but is there a specific place to do this on SL or is it just my main browsing cache for IE)? And would you suggest I give that a try? Thank you again so much!

  2. Can someone help me figure this out. Everything seemed to be fine before I bought the premium package. Now I have trouble teleporting to places and MOST of all...I didn't get a large majority of items that I paid for. Only two of ten items are in my inventory. The most important one being a skin that I purchased. It's just not there. My computer "glitched" and I had to relog in. When I did so, there was nothing in my recent transactions box to help me find them.  Any ideas? Also...is it better to buy from each store directly or is it o.k to do as I did and shop with putting items in cart and purchasing all at once. It should also be noted that I didn't pay with Linden money...I paid with my debit card! Ouch. Please help. Thank you in advance!

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