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  1. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all the people here that patiently addressed me to the solution of the problem. I really appreciated your help and skill !
  2. is perfectly working on Rythmbox
  3. I did the sudo alsamixer, and as you stated a volume control interface was opened. I still have troubles with radio url, maybe because my SL internface is in italian. I went to the About land window, but i didn't find any Media tab there. I found on the audio tab 2 adress: https://sites.google.com/site/wetwilliesrocks/ I can access it, it is the club webiste, and i can hear from the browser the environment sound. I cannot open the url form rythmandbox i cannot acces in any way to this url. Maybe may you give me a radio url to do the test? Thanks for your patient and supporting
  4. Greetings: I'm not sure about the meaning of your words "Grab the radio URL from the land tab" Do you mean the location url, like this one: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Star%20Academy%20Island/63/76/24 ? (by the way this is an example of place where I hear sounds but not music)
  5. This is the problem: I can hear environment sounds and people speaking, but when I am in places where there is music streaming like clubs, i cannot hear the music. I toggled the on-of audio menu in top right, and also accessed to the audio settings, trying everything with no results. These are my settings (i have SL in italian, so my translation in English my be not accurate): - streaming music: activated - multimedia: activated - vocal chat: activated - allow multimedia play: yes -play media usued by other avatars: yes The output device is the system defualt (predefinied), but i also tryed with the other devices liste in the menu, unsuccessful. My SL version is: Second Life 2.6.2 (225998) Apr 8 2011 02:44:54 (Second Life Release) Thanks for help
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