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DarkenedWolf Prevost

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Posts posted by DarkenedWolf Prevost

  1. I just solved a similar problem on my Linux system. Changing my host file allowed me to see contact lists and teleport with no problem. This may be a workaround to other name resolution issues. Side effects at this point are unknown so test away at your own risk.

    The Fix

    - Add an entry to your hosts file. The below worked for me today. Note if Linden labs changes their ip you will need to update your hosts file agian. You will know because the original problem will come back, other things may break too.          sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com


    Site on how to edit host files

    Note, Windows 7 is the same as xp but you have to copy it to another location, mod it, copy it back then hit yes to overwrite


    Error symptoms

    - Unable to create create client bridge

    - Can not see names of contacts

    'sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com (Could not contact DNS servers)

    INFO: newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1313) : doWork: HTTP GET failed

    2012-10-06T20:01:46Z WARNING: newview/llmeshrepository.cpp(1910) : completedRaw: 499: Couldn't resolve host name : Could not resolve host: sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com



  2. I just solved this problem on my Linux system. Changing my hosts file allowed me to see contact lists and teleport with no problem. Side effects at this point are unknown so test away at your own risk.

    The Fix

    - Add an entry to your hosts file. The below worked for me today. Note if Linden labs changes their ip you will need to update your hosts file agian. You will know because the original problem will come back, other things may break too.          sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com


    Site on how to edit host files

    Note, Windows 7 is the same as xp but you have to copy it to another location, mod it, copy it back then hit yes to overwrite


    Error symptoms

    - Unable to create create client bridge

    - Can not see names of contacts

    'sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com (Could not contact DNS servers)

    INFO: newview/lltexturefetch.cpp(1313) : doWork: HTTP GET failed

    2012-10-06T20:01:46Z WARNING: newview/llmeshrepository.cpp(1910) : completedRaw: 499: Couldn't resolve host name : Could not resolve host: sim9116.agni.lindenlab.com


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