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  1. i transfering moeny to my other accout and the money is gone did not get transfered and now it show i am -1$L how do i get my money back
  2. i have no idea how to send anything to marketplace im or note card if you can tell me that would be great tyvm for your help sorry i ask the last question more then once
  3. i have tried to find how to get my money or the stuff i bought but nothing has worked can someone pls help me i never had this happen before when deal with marketplace what can i do i have been trying for a day now to get things worked out
  4. i bought stuff last night i still have not got ti how do i take care of this
  5. why do i have to so much trouble getting age verified i have several account and each time i have to do it over and over and over when my info is already on record there makes no sence to me its a real pain having to do it othere and other when you have my info and have verified my other accounts this is crazy you have all my info over and over on this account and you have it from my other accounts
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