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Amore Xofan

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Posts posted by Amore Xofan

  1. Hi Madeline

    Nope not your pics no does i can only thank you for was nice free commercial for our free help service the center and its members provide thinks so ty again ;)

    Was the childish pics before i meant whe ppl back stabbing each other or the founders on either side just course they've provide us users with a places we can enjoy no matters what world/grid or both we're in!

    And the problem with the InBiz TOS page is rapported in and solved as i've just said!

    So ill home all can be calm and fall back to sleep again now or next time ill sing for ya ill promise! ;)


  2. yvw hun its the purpose with the center and its group if something not working members reapport it to the group/coaches/or me and we rapport it directly to the one it concerns in this case Anna and lucky she was on just after i saw you're request and it was her mistake she said was just a miss in the settings after the server update it seems!

    Oki then all sorted all happy and friendly between each other again ill hope!?!


    Peace & :heart: over & out ;)

  3. Hi Treasure


    Well i Think thats just a thing Anna just has forgotten about Thinks.. i didnt know it was so my self until it was said here now since i've always been login from InBiz marketplace when i've looked at does pages so not notice its needed to login to see it! The FAQ is open with out login tho i see now!


    Oki I'll promise rapport that request to Anna so she can sort it somehow but in the meantime ill try asap fix them in to a sign or a NC to get at our center on both sides, since its the main purpose with the Connection Center to be a security assistance service between the members/customers & InBiz/Anna if any issue happens so both sides & involved can feel safe!


    Thats also the good thing with our center group since its so big now so a word in the group either its in SL side or IW side no one dare NOT to listen to it since if something not working on either side the Word is out directly in the group and can be repported to the part it concerns!


    Best regard


  4. Oki since this guessing contest here not seems to end its best to straighten things up and correct things I feel!

    First of all I do NOT own any part of InBiz that is Anna alone that does and she has no involment at all in IW c:o or its founders but she runs the InBiz from her own server to provide MP & ATM 24/7 service and she has a more then full time job RL and only pop in IF its any issues rapported in! She do not really need do this service for own sake but since she is the nice woman she is she does it to help ppl just course she can! She is the most honest person you can find in all grids thats for sure and just like to help ppl just course she can!

    When it comes to TOS in both grids i just say wtf i've explained them to ENGLISH speaking ppl over 1000 times now so how about just do as me go read them your self instead of just sit and guessing here since it doesnt matters what anyone says its not believed anyway so! But i say it a gain its not against any TOS or laws since you just move you're own monopoly coins between your own you it never leaves the game! its exactly the same thing as if you'd move your coins between your own alts in SL! And since ALL ppl now days needs bring in L$ from outside to be able do anything in SL its ONLY LL that gains anything from this as well too!

    Then when comes to the Connection Center that is just what the names says a Connection Center for the Group members in both grids to keep old friends and get new ones on both sides especially now when LL sabotage SL for so many ppl on old computers so they cant even login to SL anymore real sad but true and its ppl thats been in here from the start and been cring since they no longer can login! Well the now overwinter in IW until they can afford a new computer and then maybe can bring in new creations to SL too instead of be forced to quit the game totally!

    The Center only host the InBiz service on a land i over pay for directly from my OWN pocket = goes to LL pockets!
    All the info signs at the center is made only so the members should be able help each other or manage it their self so i dont need drowned in millions of IM every time i login!

    The center is locked to group only for safty reason so only the group members has any business there to do! and definitely NOT either IW or SL founders! This is a friendly place for for creative members that has built up BOTH SL and IW to what it is to day and will keep doing their best keep this worlds alive as long they are allowed use their skills for all you others that cant make things their self!

    The group members repport directly IF its any issues with the InBiz in any way and normally to me that pass the rapport over to Anna that fix it faster then any service i've ever seen anywhere and no one has ever lost any money by it and Anna garanti it which also is promised on InBiz hompage and its also one of the reasons ppl need be in the Connection Center group so I can asure both ways that all is true that says if its any problems!

    So if any other questions just call me or any of our help coaches or why not just ask any of our over 1000 group members which seems to be the best ppl from both worlds since they are friendly to each other no matters in what world they are in its also many of them you have to thanks for all the good best products you can find in both worlds to day so!

    so plz act grown up and stop this war between Worlds and call each other names or post childish pics!
    SL & IW founders has just made a a good job provide us with a place to create/play or what you now do but it is WE the users that makes it to what it is NOT the founders its only we our self that can decide how to behave think of that!

    Best regard

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