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Posts posted by BedazzledTP

  1. Then why am I the ONLY unlucky one that's having the problems with the Marketplace? D: This is very sad.... Very, very sad... I just joined yesterday and Second Life is treating me like this...? If this keeps up, I'm just thinking about quitting. -_- In which I don't want to do.

    And the link is what I said a few posts back:


    If needed, go to Shopping --> Marketplace

    That's the link/URL I am having troubles with.

  2. Interesting it is... And yet, that link you provided to me works but the Marketplace tab doesn't...

    What it gives me is;

    Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

    I'm shocked yours, however, works just fine... Hmm...


    And no. I don't have any other trouble with other links around Second Life.

  3. Everyone loves the Marketplace, right? Show of hands that do. ... Okay. I'm hoping most of you do. Fun, fun, fun on how the Marketplace has many stuff. But anyway! Down to business!

    Okay. So when I clicked the Shopping tab, it should direct me to the Marketplace, right? Well,... Haha. Bad enough for me~, I get an error that my internet cannot connect to the Marketplace. I can connected to everywhere else BUT the Marketplace. Anyone else having this same problem? I'd really appreciate your time for reading this and hoping to help me out. :smileyvery-happy:

    Many thanks!

    - Terra Payne Bedazzled
    AKA: BedazzledTP

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