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Rental Rizzler

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Posts posted by Rental Rizzler

  1. Come join a new and growing community in AsterΒ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aster/165/127/27
    (Not a RolePlay Sim; RolePlay is welcomed, but this sim is primarily aimed at private rentals)

    This is a small suburban themed town with small town homes, apartments, and fully sized parcels available. You will receive full ownership of your parcel and have few restrictions on creativity. Please read our rules for more information!Β 


    • 400$L/Week - Included Home - 460 Prims
    • 500$L/Week - Included Apartment - 500 Prims - Only one available!
    • 605$L/Week - 52x28 Meters - 872 Prims
    • 695$L/Week - 52x32 Meters - 996 Prims
    • 1300$L/Week - 56x48 Meters - 1870 Prims
    • 1400$L/Week - 56x54 Meters - 2013 Prims

    Join our Discord for immediate help!Β https://discord.gg/nyK6auzBMK

    About Us
    Meters Squared has been around for 5+ years offering beutifully themed rentals with little to no intrusion on personal creativity or pirvacy. We are a small dedicated team looking to expand and grow our services as we believe they're a great improvement to what is currently available. All of our sims offer near full sized parcels & prim capacities; They are also similarly priced with other competitors with complete privacy (no flyover), and a responsive admin team and active Discord server. Join us and become one of the many members of our community that have been with us for over 5 years!







  2. My only concern right now is that cntrl alt studio is no longer in development and is no longer supported. I know they released a version that works with the CV1, and new runtimes, but are they going to continue updates? Because right now its pretty broken as it is and it has very lowsy performance. Hopefully a more competent developer picks up the code and introduces it to a popular viewer or at least does a better job at supporting it than Linden Labs.


    What a big lowsy dissapointment on Linden Labs end, though I can't say anything they have ever done was good for the community other than mesh. The standard LL viewer itself is garbage as it is with all these random UI changes, and throwing in stuff that is seemingly unnoticed and doesn't help with performance. I'm afraid all we will get out of LL in the future from this point forward is just dissapointing garbage.

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