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Posts posted by onlinelove1488303101

  1. Have you ever pretended to be someone or something that you’re not online? 

    Ever created a fake persona on something like Facebook and now it’s getting out of hand? 

    Have an online crush you haven’t been honest with because you’re afraid they’ll dump you?

    We’re casting a new reality show about people who’ve done just that.  Today almost everyone lives part of their life online- Facebook, Twitter, Second Life...  These sites are amazing because they allow us to be whoever we want to be.  But because of that it can be super easy to get caught up in a web of lies or half-truths that you can’t get out of. 

    If you or someone you know has ever done this, we want to hear from you!  We’re dying to know more about your story, who are you really are, and the amazing lengths you’ve gone to to create your fake online life. We’re casting now, so email us right away if you’re interested @ onlinedoublelife@gmail.com or call us directly at 323.860.8695.  

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