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Posts posted by MiaMariposa

  1. //The Voice Hangout Employment Opportunities//


    Seeking DJ's if you are just starting out in Second Life as a DJ or you have been playing for many years!
    If you would like to feature some sets in one of the most unique locations on the grid then this is your chance.
    We are seeking mainly DJ's of 'house' or mainstream however all will be considered!
    Payment is operated on a tip basis, with a set walkaway fund.

    Please contact MiaMariposa for a information pack and to arrange further details. 

    Station Representatives
    Station representatives are required to greet visitors upon arrival, their main role will be to help look after and help with the smooth running of events.
    It operates on a payment per hour, more details will be given
    Information will be given by contracting SirNick Balazic or MiaMariposa





    The Voice Hangout


  2. i looking for Models for Pictures dont need any experiance but a nice looking avatar with prefferd mesh clothes/hairs but its not a must. it is a non payed job u will get the picture of u. 

    i seeking all female, male and kids. please send me a note with a picture of ur face and body.



  3. iam photographer and offering my work, for profil pics, model shootings, family and wedding photos or events all where u need a skilled photographer. For the Price look my Profil and till Valentine´s Day i offering u  a special.

    IM: MiaMariposa or send a notecard. 



  4. hello,

    1 week ago i was get hacked my acc, and my acc was delatet now i reopen it but my all groups are away :-(

    iam owner of a clothes store for womans and my fashion groups to post are more than important for me.

    now if u have a group it would great if u can send me invite. group message rights would be fantastik.

    i hope i post the right place.

    thanks for all ur help.

    luv MiaMariposa

  5.  photographer and retoucher (started in 2009) is looking for: individuals who want album pics, wedding pics, someone for their event, those who have products to sell and so on. I am as well opened for collaborations.

    Iam experienced photographer and looking for Work. Do u want Model Pics of ur self or a Christmas Giftcard for ur Frends, Wedding or event Pictures. I love the Work and looking that everythink is perfect. 

    Iam glade if i ca work with u. My Pricelist is simple each Picture 100L$. Send me a Notecard to contact me.

    Some example for u...



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