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Mairi Fairelander

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Posts posted by Mairi Fairelander

  1. My Live365 station feed works just fine set as a parcel stream, and Second Life picks up the metadata info and posts it in local chat. I do live shows (a regular 80s show Wednesdays, and occasional DJing at events), and the same is true of the livestream (likely because it's just going through the same link once the stream hits the Live365 servers from my DJing software). I've seen other DJs using "stream boards" where the song info is posted on a board with additional information (DJ name, name of club, event schedules, that sort of thing). I have tried the listen links from Live365 (the standard "listen" link, as well as the pls, m3u, and asx links) and the stream boards I have tried just will not parse the metadata. These stream boards require icecast and/or shoutcast streams, and all documentation in Live365 says that the Live365 streams are icecast v2, so I can not fathom why they will not read the metadata. I know I am not the only DJ in Second Life using Live365, but so far, I don't know of another that uses a stream board so I guess maybe I'm the only one who has attempted to use one (or the only one determined to work out why it isn't working?) and figured I'd post here in case anyone might have any ideas of things to try to get it to work.

    One of the reps at Live365 says it is likely that "there might be a specific requirement or protocol of those systems that isn't being met by the Live365 streams". But without knowing the specific requirements of the stream board systems, it's hard to know how to work around it.

    Posting a photo of the board I have with the error message it's throwing. This one was just called "streamboard" and is a very reasonable 50L on the marketplace, and I've tried with a friend's (more expensive) SHX SRC-F4s system, and had no luck with either. As these boards don't have demo versions, I definitely want to be sure one is going to actually work before sinking a load of L$s into one.


  2. I did some searching, but didn't find anything helpful so far, so I'm asking here! :)

    A friend keeps getting "Elizabeth Burleigh paid you L$xxx" notifications in the in-world IM window, even though I haven't been paying her. Like, yesterday, she got the notification 6 times in a row, but no money left my account, nor ended up in her account. Is this some sort of glitch? The last time I'd actually paid her was via a RFL kiosk weeks ago.

  3. I had a gacha out once. Some of my older designs newly redone in mesh. I made it as fair as I could, upping the odds of rare pulls from what was recommend in the script I used. I just quickly realised I didn't have the time to commit to creating for gachas if I wanted to maintain the level of quality that goes into the stuff I make. That's no knock on those who DO (or, I guess, did) create for gachas, whether exclusively or in addition to regular releases - I know many designers whose work in gachas is just as good as anything they make; which, to me, suggests they have either the time and/or skill level to make quality things rather quickly and consistently. I truly hope those creators continue to make stuff, because I will continue to buy from them either in world or via the Marketplace.

    • Like 2
  4. On 8/9/2021 at 12:44 PM, Aria Fae said:

    you want to see creator greed .... one of the stores that i bought from (not sure whether i will in the future) is selling fatpacks of gachas for 10k ....

    And yet, those of us who never (or rarely) created for gachas usually sell our fatpacks for L$1000 - L$3000 (some higher, yes, but I've never seen one for 10K).

  5. 5 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

    If this is the way we are going, I am not gonna be buying from these companies at all.Unless they offer a fatpack option. That and with the new rules, Resellers will be a thing of the past. Going forward, all these items will be no transfer. 

    There is nothing stopping us from selling transfer items in regular WYSIWYG vendors. The only reason I have started making the majority of my items mod/copy/no-trans is because that's what my customers seem to prefer (and I use a vendor system that allows for purchasing as gifts, meaning the recipient gets the copy/mod versions). I am always happy to do a transfer version of an item upon request, but I can't even remember the last time someone wanted a transfer version. I find I get more requests to trade a trans/no-copy of an older design to a copy version.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  6. 16 minutes ago, Finite said:

    And I am sorry that you and others seem to have issues with people who disagree with your point of view.

    But, it's not other peoples' "point of view". It's a legal definition. Your quibble is with the law, not other residents. Your re-framing of it as others' "point of view" does not change the fact that the gacha mechanism has been deemed a form of gambling in legal terms.

    • Like 6
  7. Thanks Qie! I've fixed the llListen entry so it's before the llDialog. Please could you expand on the name string? Should I be using a name string as an indicator of "user" instead of the detectkey?

    I can only assume I'm trying to set the user to be any avatar incorrectly, and that's causing the menu to close on selection of "Metal", "Diamond", or "Accent".  M'husband is a software developer, but unfamiliar with lsl, and we were trying to set the user in the opening, but couldn't get it to work as it would if we were writing a php script! It's like lsl is similar to php at a glance, but seems to have its own quirks and nuances that I've yet to get a handle on!

  8. Thanks for the reply!

    I do have all textures in the object and have double checked that permissions are set to "copy" and "transfer" on each. The scipt I posted is where I attempted to change all references to llGetOwner to User to make it open for any avatar. While that lets the initial menu open, clicking on the options closes the menu.

    I added "key User" at the top, and added the "User = llDetectKey" coding under the start command hoping that would make it work, so far - no luck.

  9. Hello lsl geniuses! I have a bit of a quandary. I made a pretty ring with texture change menu by adapting a script posted in an ancient (2009?) thread at sluniverse. It works wonderfully for the owner of the object. Now that I've tested the item, I'd like to make a demo for my shop so potential buyers can test the texture change, but I can't work out how to configure the script to allow anyone to use the menu.

    This is what I've tried - it will open the main menu, but when one of the options is clicked, the menu just closes. Please can someone help? For reference - I know just enough html and php to be dangerous - I'm less comfortable with lsl as I've not used it much.

    //Adapted from a script by Rhonda Huntress
    list lMetals = ["silver.g", "gold.g"];
    list lDiamond = ["amethyst.d", "canary.d", "chocolate.d", "diamond.d", "emerald.d", "garnet.d", "ruby.d", "sapphire.d"];
    list lAccents = ["amethyst.a", "canary.a", "chocolate.a", "diamond.a", "emerald.a", "garnet.a", "ruby.a", "sapphire.a"];
    integer iNumMetals = 0;   
    integer iNumDiamond = 0;
    integer iNumAccents = 0;
    integer iChannel = 473;
    integer iHandle = 0;
    integer iNumPrims;
    integer idx;
    key User;
        state_entry() {
        touch_start(integer total_number){
            User = llDetectedKey(0);
            //load texture list
            integer idx = 0;
            integer iNumTexs = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
            string sTexName;
            integer bIsMetal = FALSE;
            integer bIsDiamond = FALSE;
            integer bIsAccents = FALSE;
            lMetals = [];
            lDiamond = [];
            lAccents = [];
            iNumMetals = 0;   
            iNumDiamond = 0;
            iNumAccents = 0;
            for (idx=0; idx< iNumTexs; ++idx){
                sTexName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,idx);
                bIsMetal = FALSE;  bIsDiamond = FALSE; bIsAccents = FALSE;
                if (llSubStringIndex(sTexName, ".m")> 0) bIsMetal = TRUE;
                else if (llSubStringIndex(sTexName,".d") > 0) bIsDiamond = TRUE;
                else if (llSubStringIndex(sTexName,".a") > 0) bIsAccents = TRUE;
                if (bIsMetal){
                    lMetals += sTexName;
                    iNumMetals += 1;
                if (bIsDiamond){
                    lDiamond += sTexName;
                    iNumDiamond += 1;
                 if (bIsAccents){
                    lAccents += sTexName;
                    iNumAccents += 1;
            //build menu
            list lMainMenu = ["Metal", "Diamond", "Accents"];
            llDialog (User, "\nPlease choose the component you wish to change", lMainMenu, iChannel);
            iHandle = llListen(iChannel, User, "", "");
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
            if (message == "Metal") state metal_menu;
            if (message == "Diamond") state diamond_menu;
            if (message == "Accents") state accents_menu;
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
    state metal_menu{
            iHandle =  llListen(iChannel, "", User, "");
            llDialog(User, " ", lMetals, iChannel);
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
            iNumPrims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
            for (idx=2; idx <= iNumPrims; ++idx){
                if (llGetLinkName(idx) == "metal"){
                    llSetLinkTexture(idx, message, ALL_SIDES);
            state default;
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
            state default;        
    state diamond_menu{
            iHandle = llListen(iChannel, "", User, "");
            llDialog(User, " ", lDiamond, iChannel);
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
            iNumPrims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
            for (idx=2; idx <= iNumPrims; ++idx){
                if (llGetLinkName(idx) == "diamond"){
                    llSetLinkTexture(idx, message, ALL_SIDES);
            state default;
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
            state default;        
    state accents_menu{
            iHandle = llListen(iChannel, "", User, "");
            llDialog(User, " ", lAccents, iChannel);
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
            iNumPrims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
            for (idx=2; idx <= iNumPrims; ++idx){
                if (llGetLinkName(idx) == "accent"){
                    llSetLinkTexture(idx, message, ALL_SIDES);
            state default;
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0);  //clear any timers;
            state default;        


  10. I had this issue when I had to reinstall Vista after a crash, and this solution (deleting the AppData folders) worked fine for me.  Now, I've upgraded to Windows 8, and am having the same issue!  Only this time, it isn't working for me.  I've already made sure I've got the most up to date driver for my video card, as well. :(

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