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Nikohl Hax

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Posts posted by Nikohl Hax

  1. I always rename my textures when Im applying in Max just to I know what everything is. I double checked just now to ensure that they were indeed space-free and yeah they are.


    The object is joined and has 3 faces, also I uploaded it on a regular grid, my mainstore region and also on two other regions.

    This problem has been going on for 5 days now D':

  2. So just for a quick visual before I start explaining this:

    The build I'm working on is for a gacha, when I texture it initially it looks fine like this: https://gyazo.com/a9eb3a44db286d3dc67b089583acad16

    However, the second I copy or try to take the build all of the faces seem to take on the texture of only one of the faces, mostly it takes on the face of the shadow: https://gyazo.com/c1e095f64a4b97b63ff529d4285f99fb


    I've tried rebuilding, exporting to obj then to dae, uploading/texturing in different viewers, uploading/texturing on different avatars, uploading/texturing on different regions, undating graphics card drivers, updating my viewers, clearing my cache, reinstalling 3ds max, etc etc etc.


    Also, I submitted a ticket to LL and their response was to upgrade to premium membership and then MAYBE they will attempt to help me figure this out but...no promises.


    Has anyone had this issue and knows of anyway to work this out?

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