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Skippy Burger

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Posts posted by Skippy Burger

  1. I remember visiting a really cool sim a few years back where  you actually floated among the asteroids.  It was a neat place and I am afraid it may have closed.  Does anyone recall this place, and know the name?  I have a friend I am dying to show it to if I can find it again.

    OK..sooooo...sorry I screwed up and posted this twice.  My computer locked up the first time I tried to send, and I could not see that it had posted.  Only after the repost ...and you guys kindly pointing out how mesed up I am....did I notice it went out both times.....

    Anyway...the question remains?   Anyone know about the sim I described?




  2. Can Linden develop a "thumbnail viewer" so I can review contents of my photo and texture folders without having to open each image individually.  This would really help when looking for specific photos.

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