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Brat Hoyer

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Everything posted by Brat Hoyer

  1. Yeah I know that but in the inventory is what I was wanting to get away from. It would be easier to have categories on our actual contact list. It would make it so much easier and make it more organized.
  2. hahahahaha EXACTLY and I think that's why it would help if we could make categories. It would help eliminate a lot of our daily brain farts. rotfl
  3. Hiya, I use Phoenix but I think it would be awesome if all viewers could be equipped with this option. I tried Firestorm but it looks too much like viewer 2 and I HATE viewer 2. I did see where Firestorm claims you can make it look like Phoenix and I followed the video/tutorial but it looked nothing like Phoenix IMHO.
  4. I think it would be cool if we could make categories in our friends list so that like for an example.... If we host at a club (which I host at 3 clubs), when we add a friend, we can slide their names into that particular category so that we know how and where we know that person from. It also would make it easier to find a staff person or another employee for that club if you need to IM someone for something. I try to add notes in the note section but you get so busy hosting, playing, building, etc. that you just don't really have time or the chance to do that. The categories I am referring to isn't the ones you can make in your inventory. I mean make categories in the actual communication friends list where you click to IM someone. I just think having categories that we, ourselves can make would make our communication list easier to navigate and it would make it so much easier to remember how you know certain people and/or contact those you need to contact for whatever reason. Just an idea here. That's all. :womanhappy:
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