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Mont Bade

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Posts posted by Mont Bade

  1. Hi, I would like the services of a scripter to script multipose seating in a boat project. This would be writing what ever is needed or using a kit and setting it up. I can pay so we can negoitate a fee if you wish. Contact me for more information through IM as I get these offline. 

    Thanks Mont Bade.

  2. Can any one supply me or tell me where to get a TV script that is at very least copiable and transferable,  and works.

    I have purchased a few over the market place and the only one that works is not copiable or trans.  I haven't been able to contact the author either.   I am prepare to pay as it is going in a build.


    Cheers Mont.

  3. Hi   Has any one noticed in Viewer 2 that the texture is not displayed correctly on a prim that has been set flexible, and the texture display set to planar?   I was wondering if this was just a hiccup in my system or will I have a lot of work to change the textures on the sails of the boats I make.    I mostly use Viewer 1 for builds as its totally better and only noticed this flaw when I down loaded Viewer 2 to import mesh objects.

    Any help will be most appreciated.



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