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Jillian Skinstad

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Everything posted by Jillian Skinstad

  1. I really don't like the new mesh products and resent having it "pushed" at me if I want something. So many of the excellent artists and designers have left or are leaving SL. This could be because they cannot create or compete with the mesh products, or that LL is just not profitable anymore. In an inverview the LL CEO gave (not sure where I saw the video, but believe it related to Gamers Magazine) he stated the average noob stays in SL ONE MONTH!! Does this tell anybody anything? I first came to SL about five years ago when at times there were 65,000+ logged on and people stayed inworld for years. The average logon now might be 40,000 - I have no real way of knowing other than what I read. The new viewer is not working (like I expected something different) and I am just so very disappointed seeing something I have enjoyed for so long being destroyed by what I see as corporate greed and lack of understanding of their target market. Hopefully I am wrong about all of this, but after crashing every five minutes with the new viewer, not rezzing and walking around with half my body invisible trying to make some mesh outfit fit I still have to wonder if it was really worth it.
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