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Trader1 Whiplash

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Posts posted by Trader1 Whiplash

  1. Have you got what it takes to become a 'radio' presenter?

    Second Life's Oldest Radio station is seeking on air talent to expand our Live Broadcast schedule.

    Established in 2005, Award Winning T1Radio is a 24/7 classic rock/blues/pop station and is the official broadcaster of Relay For Life of Second Life and many other charities and MEGA Events in SL.

    Fully Licensed by ASCAP  and Stream Licensing
    We pay the Royalties and Stream costs!

    Contact Trader1 Whiplash for audition


    *Must Agree to DMCA Compliance

  2. The Relay Rockers and all Relay For Life wish to thank all the Lindens and their many supporters who came together to raise nearly L$ 1.5 million. Your generosity provides your American Cancer Society with more than $5000 to help it continue its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and lead the fight for a World Without Cancer.


    Thank you so much.


  3. This is the 10th anniversary of the Relay Rocker's signature event Bid Me Bald and we are honored to have our Linden friends join us!

    *Bid Me Bald recognizes, with honor and respect,  those for whom the choice was made, not by themselves, but by Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.  We have the choice and we choose to sacrifice our hair to honor these Survivors and to help the American Cancer Society Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for a World Without Cancer*

    Stop by and donate to a kiosk or bid online by visiting

    For Customer Accounts:  http://main.acsevents.org/goto/llaccounts

    For Land Operations - LDPW: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/landldpw

    For Concierge: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/llconcierge

    Thank you on behalf of everyone who has heard the words " you have cancer " and for all those searching for the answers!

    Trader Whiplash
    2017 Relay Rockers Co-Capt

    For More Information about Relay For Life of Second Life visit: http://relayforlife.org/secondlife


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  4. Recently several In World Radio stations have upgraded to shoutcast v2 servers, v1 no longer being supported by the most common and popular browsers (Chrome, ID, Edge etc).  For some reason the viewers don't like shoutcast v2.

    The most common behavior is as follows

    When you toggle your music player (or enter a new region or parcel ) there is a 5 second delay before stream begins playing.  (This happens regardless of your 'fade' setting in preferences)

    About 30 seconds after start there is another 5 second drop out.

    Random reconnects occur afterward with the same 5 second drops.  

    When in large multi-sim areas using the same streaming audio source, or crossing parcel lines the initial behavior repeats itself.  

    If you turn on the same stream in an external browser there is no dead air or restarts.  The problem does not occur with older (obsolete and unsupported)  v1 stream sources.

    I have contacted both LL and Firestorm regarding this.   

    Please let LL know if you experience the same issue.  It seems to only happen with streams using Shoucast v2.

    Trader1 Whiplash

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