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Murry Soothsayer

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Posts posted by Murry Soothsayer

  1. Something odd i noticed just now.. maybe an old thing. But for some reason whenever I upload a mesh onto the mesh grid the reported number of verts is almost 300% what the model actualy has. The poly count is right.. and if i re-import the collada into max it still has the right statistics.. but when put into SL it just.. blows up. 900 vert object turns into a 2500 vert one for no decernable reason. Its as if its unwelding every vert and triplicating them in some sort of horrificaly inefficent manner. I cant tell if its something Im doing wrong or if its just the importer for SL is breaking things up for some reason.

  2. Im not even sure why you guys are bothering to acknowledge her posts. This is the same person who was cackling in the other thread about the death of blue mars. If they had anything worthwhile to bring to the disucssion they would have done so by now so why don't we just get back to the subject at hand and no longer feed them the attention they so crave.

  3. I dont know about others, but the build I was using was put out tuesday and was the most recent build at the time of my posting/testing. Trying the most recent build from 22nd shows the same inconsistancies and looking around the beta grid itself i see things with completely insane mesh costs attached to them still. If the costs are in fact down then they are still far far away from where they should in fact be.



    Honestly I have to question /why/ they decided to go with some complicated way of determining cost for something that is designed to reduce load on peoples computers. Sure the initial download of the mesh is bigger, but once its in your cache its there for quite some time. Does it really matter if the object is smaller or bigger? Should that really effect rendering cost when an object of similar enormity made out of prims would likely cost less prims and more certainly be exponitially higher in rendering costs? Last i checked there were vew distance sliders in the graphic options for the rare occasion something big in the distance was lagging you. And what in the world does adding a script to something have to do with /anything/. Scripts are limited on an entirely different system and they have never and should never have anything to do with the primcost of an object.


    The entire system is busted to the point that you get better returns with a sculpt that takes more effort for the engine to light and render than a simple mesh that represents a much lighter load on the GPU of a computer. Its completely backwards from the way things /should/ be weighted and if this is how the system goes live then Mesh will be almost DOA for anything that isnt an avatar attachment. At this point the only way I can see mesh being at all usefu for bulding is in very limited cases where to many prims are needed to fill gaps between shapes that it bloats the primcost out an insane amount.


    We should be /enabling/ people with mesh to do more creative and wonderful things, making SL a less laggy and GPU intensive place in the process. instead we see LL doing all it can to make sure mesh will be the very last resort when building is concerned.

  4. So yeah heres a fun exercise I just did to see how broken the prim calculations are.


    Uploaded a relatively simpish table mesh ive been working on. Its two peices but uploaded together so its automagically linked when its put in world

    Upon first rez cost 4

    Unlinked cost 10

    Relinked cost 11

    picked up and put back down in world cost 8


    So lovely to see that the system has been so well thought out that i can get 4 different costs ranging to almost 300% the original cost on one object depending on if i ever touch the linkset after initial upload. Thats not even touching upon how rediculous it is taht a 4 vert 2 triangle mesh could weigh 2prims verses a full on sculpt.


    This system of calculating thigns is horrible. Mesh has the potential to vastly improve the appearance of SL not to mention speed up the rendering, and yet its going to be so expensive to the point that it is without worth. Why purposefully sabotage something that could only make SL better by throwing in all sorts of conditions on cost that inflate the price to practially needing your own sim just to have a nice house.

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