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Sapphire Hotaling

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Posts posted by Sapphire Hotaling

  1. Jennifer,

    You have made an excellent point!  And,although I have not tried logging on from another location, there are three adults in this household that go into SL...and none of us, from any of the three desktops and two laptops could access a sim owned by this person.  I had been told in the past that this sim owner does this type of thing; however, this is my first time experiencing it first hand. I might add that at one point in time, I rented from this same person, however, moved to different land when residents were IM'ing me that they could not teleport to my stores - while they had all had a negative experience with that sim owner, the reasons ranged from being a sales associate for another land group, to a disagreement they had  with the sim owner in the past.  I have filed an AR, and oddly enough at this time, we are all able to access that location in which I was attempting to check sale items for the sales group.

  2. Do you remember back in the day when Redzone was used to control another person's accounts? Many of those who used this tool (which was later banned by LL) were using it to encroach on one's privacy.  As MB Robonaught has stated below, it is how you use the information gathered. If it is for marketing purposes, US Federal law denotes that as acceptable, however, using it to control another person's account or computer is not.

  3. I recently was given the honor of creating an exhibit for the Linden Endowment of the Arts, entitled 'The History of the Vehicle in SL'.  As sim resources are limited, I could only place a limited number of exhibitors in the exhibit and the list filled extremely quickly.  As a result of this, there was a certain group of individuals who were angry that they were not invited, who are also friends with someone who owns several sims in SL.  While my RL partner was told they were banned from ALL of the regions owned by this person. I was never told the same.

    As I am involved in many different activities in SL, you can imagine my surprise when I, nor my model alts could enter a region to do a store check for a sale.  As there are three people in this house who log into SL from different computers, upon further discovery, NONE of us could enter those regions.

    Which leads my to my question: Is it legal for a land owner to IP ban everyone from a region? From my understanding, this is a Federal offense in the United States.  While I can understand a land owner banning someone from their region for any reason, no matter how childish it may be, I do believe it is illegal to gather information based on IP addresses.

    Any thoughts, suggestions or comments are welcome; I have been a resident in Second Life for almost 8 years, own two stores and I am very active in the community.  


    Thanking you for your time,

    Sapphire 'Sapph' Hotaling

  4. I have been trying to add items to my marketplace store for 3 days now.  I drag the items to the merchant outbox for it to create a folder, then click on send to marketplace and get the message that the items were successfully sent to the marketplace.  However, when I get to my marketplace listings, the items are nowhere to be found.  For whatever reason, they simply are not showing up.  Another thing I might add is that there has been notifications on my marketplace home page that have been there since 2013.  I have not added anything since 2012 also.  I am not sure what is going on, it is almost as if my items I am trying to put for sale on the marketplace are stuck in some time warp and not making it to the marketplace.  


    Thanking anyone in advance that can help me with this; I have several items I am wanting to put on the marketplace.



  5. And this brings up my question on racing in SL.  There is not a required buy in, it is purely optional.  One can race and does not have to 'pay to play'.  So, does racing indeed fall under this most confusing, ill-worded policy? I would love to see a Linden respond to this, and not just those of us residents who are attempting to decipher the poorly written policy.

  6. One huge difference that you are not taking into consideration regarding racing vs. casinos, is casinos actually turn a profit.  Race tracks, on the other hand DO NOT make money from running races.  Any lindens that are used as a 'buy in' are split among those racers who paid in.  Often times, the track owners will put a few lindens in the pot.  The track owners of public tracks do not keep a percentage of this buy in money. As I stated in my previous post, most track owners provide a racing venue on their own dime; they pay for the tier/maintenance fees and any other costs incurred.  Raising the tier of a venue such as this is a punishment to someone trying to give back to the SL community.

    What ever happened to the SL slogan "It's your world, created by you" that was used to pull so many creative people into SL?  Oh, we can still create our world, but we are charged for it at every turn in the form of texture uploads, marketplace fees and now, the most ridiculous 'gaming skills policy'.  I can not help but feel that Linden Labs, in all of their infinite wisdom on this one, will be driving people out of SL, enmasse.  Oh, except for those whose only form of 'creativity' is sexually related.  

  7. To whom it may concern;

    I am both a merchant and car racer in Second Life, and I have some concerns regarding the Skill Gaming Policy.  

    First of all, it is my understanding that any 'game' that entails a 'buy-in' of sorts for a chance to win a larger amount of money falls into this ludicrous category entitled the 'Skill Gaming Policy'.  While I can understand ( a wee bit) how games such as greedy, sploders, contest boards and other board games where an entry fee is required could be a target of LL generating more USD for them, what I cannot understand is why Linden Labs would target these small money generators over the much larger area of those who own hundreds of sims that are grandfathered in at one price and being rented for double that.  I say if a sim owner has 100 sims and their maintenance fee is $150 USD and they are charging upwards of $300 to their renters, those people are the ones LL should be targeting and NOT the residents, many of whom make their own way in SL through their creations which make considerably less than these virtual land barons, who are raking in enormous profits.

    I am saddened and apalled to see this type of corporate greed overtake SL, and especially with regard to SL racing.  Almost all tracks have a buy-in jar (much like a real life fee to race at a track) where racers have the option to buy in to race.  It is not required to buy-in, however, in order to win any prize money (for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place), one must have bought in.  In most all instances, SL track owners are those who have a love of the sport of auto racing, whether it be oval racing or drag racing, and they do not make any money from owning and operating a track.  They do it for the sheer love of the sport, and bringing something to SL for others with like interests.  Punishing these track owners with a $100 application fee that is non-refundandable and a subsequent  quarterly licensing fee is not only preposterous, it is preying on the very people who bring something to SL without expecting a thing in return.  

    Having spoke to many of my fellow racers and those who build cars for racing about this, it will not only decrease the amount of people who participate in racing, but will also reduce the amount of cars sold by those creators.  In essence, this Skill Gaming mess will destroy an entire virtual industry in SL...and when that starts happening, fewer people are spending money in SL, fewer lindens will be sold. Linden Labs, through their consumate greed, will be the ultimate loser in this game...because if there is no one here to purchase items, there will be no one to rent virtual land from all of those big named land owners...what is not being realized here is this one move to collect a fee from merchants or businesses that do not make a profit in the first place will have a ripple effect on the entire workings of SL.  Oh, and those racing pots of money that a racer has a chance to win? One is lucky if the First Place payout is more than $2.00 RL money.  And yes, that's TWO DOLLARS!

    I respectfully request that Linden Labs reconsider this outlandish way for them to drag in a few dollars to make a higher profit, and recognize that there is a far bigger cash cow they could be siphoning money from...the big land owners.

  8. I have been seeing this message posted in several of the groups I belong to. Can anyone tell me if this is true, or more scare tactics that a bored resident has created?


    WARNING!!Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 22:17:34 GMT 
     Just confirmed from Live Chat, Lindens labs is aware of the following hackers scam: If you happen to receive an email from "Second Life" "no-reply@secondlife.com" asking you to click a link, do not click it!  It is not from Linden Labs, & it will lead you to resetting your password, then your password to be stolen by the hacker" stay safe, & take care Programs.. End of line...
    Sent by amoni Crystal,  SLPO,  Linden Labs Inc.


    Thanks everyone!

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