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Aprille Shepherd

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Posts posted by Aprille Shepherd

  1. Sansar Questions: 

    1 - Will Sansar include Adult, much (or exactly) as it is here in Second Life? If Sansar does not include Adult, then someone had better make some nice mesh tumbleweed to blow across the deserted sims.  

    2 - Will RLV be included?

    3 - Will LSL scripting run natively in Sansar? 

    4 - After reading some of the other questions and comments, some people seem to think that Sansar is "not anything like SL" and will not be a "replacement" for SL.  Is this true? 


    SL Question:

    4 - Will you please include the option (preferences tick box) to "opt out" of "Project Interesting" as many computers with various configurations are seeing the the world as a collection of blury boxes that only focus when you mouse over them.


    Thanks - Aprille Shepherd

  2. Our Search results - as they apply to Adult Organic and Classified have been decimated. 

    Example 1: Organic with all 3 boxes ticked - The word "Doll".  In viewer 2, we are # 1 - in this new system we are about # 40. 

    Example 2 : Organic Long Tail - the word "Capture Collar" we were # 1 now we are #158 (of 161 results).


    Example 3: Adult Classified - word "Sex" dropped from # 6 to # 11


    In this new system, there is no way to only select "Adult" as it picks up on your viewer settings.



    "All of our development efforts are focused on making SL Viewer with Basic and Advanced modes exceptional for all Residents--new and seasoned."


    Blondin, does this mean the Basic viewer will have search?  15,000 ish registrations each day...and they can't use search! They can't see anything but the "Destinations Guide".  http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Q1-2011-Linden-Dollar-Economy-Metrics-Up-Users-and-Usage/ba-p/856693



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