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Jolene McAndrews

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Posts posted by Jolene McAndrews

  1. Since yesterday (Jan 4 2012) I've been unable to save snapshots to my computer. I click "Save" or "Save As..." and either, nothing happens, my viewer (latest official viewer, V3) freezes, or a dialog box comes up to save but I can't click "Save"


    Please help! I run a blog and kinda need to take pictures!


    RE: I'm usually the only person at home using the internet when taking photos. I don't stream music...definitely dont have any stock market tickers going...Just SecondLife and Yahoo IM running.I've tried rebooting my laptop AND modem, still doesn't fix it.  I've tried relogging but that's just a temporary fix because sometimes that works and other times it doesnt. Plus it's annoying when you're trying to take a picture with someone and you gotta relog.

  2. I really dont think so. You aren't forced to tip just because the jar is there. You HAVE to pay the 1L$ to try a demo. Yes, you can choose not to try the demo but most people in SL hardly ever buy hair/skins/shapes without trying it on for size.

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