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Bekken Klaar

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Posts posted by Bekken Klaar

  1. How can I get my avatar back?

    I've tried Viewer 2, Snowglobe, Pheonix, and Ascent - and neither of them can download my shape or clothes.

    If memory serves, this started just after an inventory server maintenance - which could be coincedental to my situation, but maybe not.

    I have hundreds of avatars to change into, but I can't do anything until my clothes download :mansad:

    I've been using SL for more that 4 years and I've never had this happen to me before.

    My interest in SL has been waning in recent months - just like everybody else's if I can depend on my Marketplace sales stats as an indicator - and this is making me seriously consider abandoning SL all together.

    And yes... I've done everything suggested in the Wiki.

    Help? Anyone?

    EDIT: Found a solution (at least in Pheonix). Go to Advanced -> Character -> Character Test -> Male/Female... which will render yourself as a n00b, and then you can drag an avatar folder on to yourself.

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