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ravenpaw Silvercloud

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Everything posted by ravenpaw Silvercloud

  1. I just came back myself, looking to log on more, if people actually start talking lol, feel free to send a message any time ill get back when I'm online or if I'm online I reply quickly usually
  2. here is some friendly advise, if you have nothing nice to say and if what your saying has nothing to do with what was posted please do not post at all. i am here for fun not for jerks who go around telling people how horrible there spelling is. it is not against any law to miss spell words and im pretty sure i already know i cant spell very well. so please do not be rude it will only hurt peoples feelings and wast your time.
  3. Hey there, names raven . I am a furry lol. Well I haven't had much luck finding hang outs so haven't found m any friends either. Lets see a little bit about me ~ IM kinda shy, kinda really shy . My favorite color is purple I love all music other then this new rap and hip hop stuff I live in the USA the wolf is my favorite animal IM in collage and have been known to be a good listener but I can be crazy also hehe ^^ well I guess anything else just ask away ^^
  4. hey im always open to meeitng now furrys since i dot have mnay firneds ( im jsut cant seem to say hi lol ) feel free to message me in to hang any tiem ^^
  5. iv been on here for a while but first tie logging in in a very long time and was hoping someone woudl hang and maybe show me aorund again im nto sure any places to go and what not id love to meet some furrs ( im one also ) so feel free to send me a messgaeg or find me inwolrd ^^
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