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Cross Hudson

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Posts posted by Cross Hudson

  1. I have the exact same problem.

    I have been using the previous version yesterday, got the popup message saying the new version is downoladed and will install at next startup of SL, then I logged out the usual way.

    Today I've started up SL, and getting stucked at "Initializing VFS"

    I tried clearing the chace, uninstalling SL, manually removing every single file even remotely connected to SL, rebooted my PC, reinstalled SL and it still gets stucked at the same point.

    I have tried Phoeinx viewer, it starts up without a problem, it connects to SL also without a problem, so the issue is related only to the viewer 2 series (yes I've tried reinstalling the previous version of viewer 2 series too, same effect)

    Any more hints on the matter?

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