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Fillo Farber

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Posts posted by Fillo Farber

  1. I'm working on a script that requires a weighted number generator between 1 and 118. The attempts I've made have used llPow but do not produce a sharp enough distribution curve. I need something that allows me to plug in a final "weight" value at the far end of the curve such as specifing that the odds are 1000 times greater of the number 1 being generated then the number 118. llLog?  Any suggestions?


    Any suggestions?

  2. I'll admit I am a bit a-nal (wow that got bleeped?) about making things as foolproof as possible. There's a bone in my head that makes me that way. I should probably get that taken out some time...  Anyway I like the fake DNS idea. I looks like it is explained well in that link that Kaluura posted. Thanks a bunch for the great info folks!

  3. I need to make an update server to support a product I'm working on and I don't want to go through a website to do this. The obvious problem with rezzing a server in world that its UUID is subject to change by accident or other event. It seems reasonable to use a backup server that could send the products a new primary server UUID if required.

    I'm interested learning any methods some of you have used to provide a stable support server (without use of an external link). Also I was also considering Linden Lab's magic box hosting service as a secure location for the server. Has anyone ever inquired about doing this with LL?

  4. It seems I saw a function some time ago that was used to keep an object at a fixed rotation during an llMoveTo. I don't remember what it was or how it was implemented - anyone got a clue what it was I might have seen?

  5. I guess my only option on this path is to append the info to the object name. I did get my base 64 compression working with 4 chars up to 10.00000 flawlessly btw. For some reason the lsl base 64 functions wouldn't give me nearly that kind of resolution - I had to make my own. The 4 chars don't include a sign so I'll have to add a 5th. Anyway, if I keep my object names short enough I can append a 35 char base 64 to them. A small revision to my compression script should make this possible.

    I can always fall back on llSetPos/Rot if I have to - I just don't like the delays for my purpose and I'll have to make the items invisible until positioned so you don't see that jerky movement. Thanks for the info on inventory key, the WIKI was very vague on that one. Much appreciated as always Void :)

  6. Today I'm working on a script that rezzes various objects relative to the rezzer pos and rot. Since there would be lots of different items to rez I didn't want to put all those vectors and rotations in my rezzer script. I wrote a couple snippets of code that calculate the rotations and positions to rez at then writes them in the description of the object to be rezzed. The problem is I can't find any way to read an inventory object's description with my rezzer script. Is there a way? If not, any suggestions other then use of notecards or llSetPos/Rot?

    Also, question regarding llGetInventoryKey: If I understand, this gives you the key of the asset that the inventory item points to which doesn't seem to offer any details about the object itself. What is this used for?

  7. Doing some tests with the base 64 function. An output range of base 64 chars that is AAAAAA== to AA///w== represents integers 0 to 1048575 . Within that range I can strip  the leading AA and trailing == to reduce them to 4 char representations of the inputs. Above 104875 we need 5 chars and so on. I can work within the range of 4 chars for my purpose. Unless there are some other issues, I should be able to store 254/4 floats in an object name and description combined, correct? Too bad about the base 256 issues because that would have been very compact.

    I really appreciate the help from both of you thus far. I'm a bitwise'er about this topic now.

  8. "and not all the characters in that series are 1 byte " ewww, I didn't realize that...  I was just working on casting to string as you mentioned which did work. I found another issue though - when we reach the number 98 we seem to hit a problem with that char in the char set. It doesn't pick it up for some reason.

    Yes,  Kaluura's is workable but since that script is using the full 256 char set as well I'll have to reserve at least 2 bytes memory for each char. (also the issue as with the 99th char)

    Do you know of any issues using llIntegerToBase64?

  9. You said they have leading zeros and trailing digits. There are both? Can we strip those to format the reconstituted float to match original input value? I understand that this does not save memory. The purpose of this function is to store up to 85 floats in an object description - which is pretty cool :)

  10. Well I'm glad I found a challenge for you folks! I've come up with my own method which "appears" to work with floats as high as10 using 3 base256 chars with no loss. I was getting losses in the least significant digit so I manipulated that one as a string before converting to an integer. The weird thing is that when I added a comparison of the input vs output variables it reports that they are different although they seem to be identical. i.e. it is telling me that 0.000010 does not equal 0.000010 .  Here's the script that includes the test routine. Excuse my kindergarten methodology but I find it easier to deal with small lines of code at a time. I tend to get lost in the parenthesis. (I should add that I plagiarized part of the code from Void's work)


    string gStr256 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!\"#$%&'()*+™​-./:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£​¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕ​Ö×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹Ćć​ĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹ​ĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅ";string uFlt2Str256( float vFltNum ){        string vStr = (string) vFltNum;    integer index = llSubStringIndex(vStr,".");    vStr=(string) llDeleteSubString(vStr, index,index);     integer vIntTmp=(integer)vStr;    integer vIntTmp1 = llFloor(vIntTmp/65536);    integer vIntTmp2 = llFloor((vIntTmp-(vIntTmp1*65536))/256);    integer vIntTmp3 = vIntTmp-((vIntTmp1*65536)+(vIntTmp2*256));    return      llGetSubString(gStr256, vIntTmp1, vIntTmp1) +      llGetSubString(gStr256, vIntTmp2, vIntTmp2) +      llGetSubString(gStr256, vIntTmp3, vIntTmp3);      }float u256Str2Flt( string vStrFlt ){    return       ((llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 0, 0 ))*65536) +       (llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 1, 1 )) *256) +       (llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 2, 2 ))))/1000000.0;}default{    state_entry()    {         float i;         for (i = 0; i< 10000; i=i+.000001)        {            string testIn = uFlt2Str256(i);            float testOut = u256Str2Flt(testIn);            if (testOut!=i)            {                llOwnerSay((string)testOut+" "+(string)i);            }        }    }     }


  11. * Update * Not sure if you read before this edit but here's an update: I'm finding errors still. The first two examples show that the 2nd function returns the same results for 00w & 00x, then in the next two examples the 1st function seems to put out just two chars at times. Hope this is enough info for you to spot the problem. I really appreciate your assistance... Thank you!

    Input = : 0.000031
    Flt2Str Result = : 00w
    u256Str2Flt Result = : 0.000031

    Input = : 0.000032
    Flt2Str Result = : 00x
    u256Str2Flt Result = : 0.000031

    Input = : 9.913982
    Flt2Str Result = : ÜÝê
    u256Str2Flt Result = : 9.913982

    Input = : 9.913983
    Flt2Str Result = : ÜÝ
    u256Str2Flt Result = : 9.913818

  12. Void Singer wrote:

    it isn't pretty but this should work for ranges 0.0-15.99999
    string gStr256 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!\"#$%&'()*+™-./:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅ"; string uFlt2Str256( float vIntFlt ){ integer vIntTmp; return  llGetSubString( gStr256, vIntTmp = (integer)(vFltNum * 16), vIntTmp ) +   llGetSubString( gStr256, vIntTmp = (integer)(vIntNum * 4096) & 255, vIntTmp ) +   llGetSubString( gStr256, vIntTmp = (integer)(vIntNum * 1048576) & 255, vIntTmp ); } float u256Str2Flt( string vStrFlt ){ return((llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 0, 0 )) << 24) + (llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 1, 1 )) << 16) + (llSubStringIndex( gStr256, llGetSubString( vStrFlt, 2, 2 )))) / 1048576.0; }


    This script seems to have the potential to do what I'm looking for
      The variable vIntNum I assume should have been vIntFlt? I made that fix but it doesn't seem to work. I'm getting good results on inputs from 0.000001 through 0.000010 but after that it goes wrong. Here's some examples:

    Input = : 0.000010

    Flt2Str Result = : 00a

    u256Str2Flt Result = : 0.000010


    Input = : 0.000011

    Flt2Str Result = : 00b

    u256Str2Flt Result = : 0.000010


    Input = : 0.000012

    Flt2Str Result = : 00c

    u256Str2Flt Result = : 0.000011

    Input = : 1.000000

    Flt2Str Result = : g00

    u256Str2Flt Result = : 256.000000

    The Flt2Str function might be working fine but the u256Str2Flt is returning the same value for 00a and 00b as shown above. I don't have an understanding of the bitwise operators so I'm not sure what's going on. Any ideas?


  13. Kaluura, I can not get that script to work properly. I fixed one line to read "f -= (float)k;" as I assume that's what you intended. I put the base 256 char set in a notecard because it can't be read properly after compiled within the script. With these changes it appears to work with inputs up to 99.000000 then something goes wrong. Except for the integer portion of the input number, it appears that your script compression is limited to an output that represents a range of up to 99 per position - using only the first 99 chars of the 256 char set. (there's that number 99 again - hmm)  Just guessing, but might it be possible to represent a float as large as 10.000000 with just 3 base 256 chars by using the full set throughout?

  14. I think I found the issue with the leading zeros. I changed the one line in the output function from this:

    out = (out = "") + out + llGetSubString(lslHexChars, j, j) + llGetSubString(lslHexChars, x, x);

    to this:

    out = (out = "") + out +  llGetSubString(lslHexChars, x, x);


  15. I'm looking for a way to compress 7 digit floats that range from 0.000001 to 9.999999 . I ran across the following Base 256 compression script in the WIKI. I thought I could adapt it to my use but I can't seem to get it to work correctly as shown in the WIKI. The return values I get all have a leading 0 (zero) in front of each character. *EDIT* Also any ideas as to how to convert this to use with a base 10 input would be greatly appreciated. I don't need those hyphens inserted but I need the decimal point. *END EDIT* Thanks in advance!


    string lslBase256Chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!\"#$%&'()*+™-./:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅ";
    string lslHexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
    string compressKey(key _key) {
        string k = llToLower((string)llParseString2List((string)_key, ["-"], []));
        integer l = llStringLength(k);
        integer j;
        integer v;
        string out = "";
        integer i = 0;
        do {
            j = i + 1;
            v = (llSubStringIndex(lslHexChars, llGetSubString(k, i, i)) << 4) | 
                llSubStringIndex(lslHexChars, llGetSubString(k, j, j));
            out = (out = "") + out + llGetSubString(lslBase256Chars, v, v);
        } while ((i += 2) < l);
        return (out = k = "") + out;
    key decompressKey(string k) {
        integer l = llStringLength(k);
        string out = "";
        integer v; integer j; integer x;
        integer i = 0;
        do {
            v = llSubStringIndex(lslBase256Chars, llGetSubString(k, i, i));
            j = v >> 4; x = v & 0xF;
            out = (out = "") + out + 
                llGetSubString(lslHexChars, j, j) + 
                llGetSubString(lslHexChars, x, x);
        } while ((++i) < l);
        return (key)llInsertString(
                    llInsertString((out = "") + out, 8,"-"),
  16. Yes, with a basic account you only get stipend for the week if you have logged in at least one time during that period. With premium account you get it regardless if you log in or not.

  17. Seems that you should Eithne. The only thing I am sure of is you have to log in at least once during that week to get it. I did upgrade back to premium since starting this post and I AM getting the 500/week now if anyone wonders how that worked out. So evidently it doesn't matter if you upgrade/downgrade during your time here - you still get the base stipend you got when you created your account. It could be that they changed this somewhere between 2004 and 2006 though.

  18. Thanks Ciaran, I think that is as good an answer as anyone other then LL accounting can offer. It fits in with my receiving L$50 on my basic account as explained previously and that it wasn't given to me in error. I'll have to give you a correct for that one.

  19. quoting unklebob who said (before he edited):


    How well do you understand english?  Perhaps that's the problem, your question has been answered by two people - twice each.  Do you have a premium account going back to 2004 - no you do not.  (you yourself said you downgraded it)
    Do you have a basic account - yes you do (you said 'basic account created in 2007')
    What do the Linden say...


    Read your own cut and paste answer.

    Basic accounts created prior to June 6, 2006 receive a stipend of L$50 per week.

    I downgraded to basic in 2007 and I get the 50 per week. There are obviously exceptions to the rule. Just as you are an obvious exception to an otherwise helpful forum. Go troll elsewhere and leave me alone.

  20. Yes where I live we read writing sideways. My basic account was "created" in 2007 and I get the $L50 stipend. Why? Maybe because my account age is much older? It may work the other way as well. Lets let someone who has experience with this answer the question please.

  21. Yes I read this. It isn't clear to me. If I had premium account back in 2004, 2005 for example  and downgraded at some point, do I get the old stipend or the new rate when I upgrade again? The information can be read to work both ways from what I see.

  22. If an account is upgraded to premium, is the stipend 300 regardless of account age? I read where older accounts still get 500 stipend. I don't have a premium account now - if I upgrade today, do I get the old stipend rate of 500 or the new rate of 300?. My account is over 5yrs old.

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