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beebee Poppy

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Everything posted by beebee Poppy

  1. UPDATE: for those of you with the same problem, its been resolved with the new update 3.3. Alpha layers are now rezzing properly and can finally put on some clothes! Hurray!
  2. I have been having the same problem since the beginning of the year and I dont see any solutions anywhere. Having been a resident since 2005, I have seen many problems and some solutions but none quite as game-changing as this one. I would assume that Linden Labs would like people to play their game and not quit in frustration, because I haven't see any solutions posted anywhere that address this issue. Thats my viewer: Second Life 3.2.8 (248931) Feb 9 2012 09:04:17 (Second Life Release) Thats my pc info: CPU: Intel® Core2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz (2660.08 MHz) Memory: 3070 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.6658 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 I am not going to add pictures as i look invis or just plain meshy and pixalated in different stages and let me assure you, I have tried absolutely everything suggested in the whole forum. So some help from the "specialists" will be appreciated since it seems that there are enough of us out there with the same problem to demand a solution. I will say thanks if someone has a actual solution to this quite frustrating problem. BTW, i have tried all viewers as well, problem persists and its not only on my screen, everyone sees me like that.
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